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Is Don Cherry right to say Luke Gazdic should take off his helmet before fighting?

Total Votes: 2,008

  • Perry - 11 years ago

    Don Cherry is partially right.If a fighter with no visor wants to fight a player with a visor he should say lets drop the helmets.If your going to fight a guy wearing a visor you take your chances. Gazdic was a tough guy in the A.H.L. and I never saw him loss a fight and he never wore a visor.So Don get your facts straight.Second I watched this fight and the other fighter landed maybe one punch so Don saying eight is an exaggeration which is not new to Mr. Cherry!

  • Bruce - 11 years ago

    You can't take your helmet off. I remember an Oiler (maybe it was Gazic) did this early in the season and the linesmen jumped in and stopped the fight as soon as the players took them off and gave them penalties. It's a stupid rule.

  • flames - 11 years ago

    Yes I think Gadzic should put on full face motorcycle helmet on then no body could hit him. Maybe he could put some goalie equipment on too.

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