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Who won the first mayoral debate of Toronto 2014?

Total Votes: 944
1 Comment

  • Robert Barter - 10 years ago

    Unfortunately, Rob Ford won the debate. Ford simply beat the same old drum, a drum the others only called "Lies" without proof of this and where Ford rejoined saying they were not his figures, but some mysterious entity the CO. Commanding Officer?
    Olivia looked tired. It seemed like "One more mountain to climb, One more river to cross" to restore a misdirected Toronto once again to a caring Toronto. The burden of Socialism, always giving fish, never teaching how to fish. Socialism loves failure, it keeps them in business.
    John Tory will never be the leader, but always the leader's best friend. I have no evidence and am probably wrong, but I sense something slippery there. Of course this is ahead of him actually having a platform.
    Karen Stintz? No I don't think so.
    David Soknacki I would like to see more of him before I commit anything to print.

    I saw no vision. Only players on a stage playing their parts.

    Since his appearance on the program I have wondered if Jimmy Kimmel is on Rob Ford's payroll.

    Mention in another segment was made regarding personal wealth of politicians. I don't need to know, except when it is used as a lever. Rob Ford touting that he has had no raises since becoming mayor is fair game, but shaming the city counsellors to do the same is off-side.

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