Which BB10 Houseguest is your current Favorite?


  • DARLENE - 16 years ago

    Explain to me why people feel the need to bash Libra people have negative feelings towards her. She has done nothing but play the game. People inside the house are intimidated by her and therefore feel the need to hate her. IT IS A GAME! It is ok for certain people to be liars as long as the general public likes them. April is trash, Ollie is a PIG, Michelle is...Yuck. Jessie, yes Jessie was a stupid!

  • Kara - 16 years ago

    I like Angie. Never thought I'd like Keesha, but so far I do. I don't mind Dan or Steven. Jerry is neither here nor there. I'm not a fan of Jessie or Libra. I don't like Memphis at all. There's just something about him; can't put my finger on it. I can't say how I feel about April... And Ollie's betrayal of Brian hit him down several notches in my book.

    I'm not liking Michelle at the moment. I hate the fact that she left Steven on the block. Her arguments just don't make sense to me. This was the perfect opportunity for her to get rid of Libra---a really strong divisive force in the house---and she didn't take it. Then again, who knows, keeping Libra might actually help her.

    I don't like the way the game is going. It seems the people I like will be leaving a lot sooner than I hoped.

  • Tella - 16 years ago

    I am not really that surprised Libra is that high in the poll. She is very divisive and if there was a least liked... she may be in the running for that spot too. I like strong assertive women. I just don't like controlling people that 'hate on' those not following the flock or herd mentality.

    This is why Angie is my favorite bar none... but in this house, not sure how long she will last.

  • Kelley - 16 years ago

    I am shocked that Libra has that many votes! Yuck! I am sure if you had to live with her that you would not appreciate her bossy and sassyness!

  • Famouslyanonymous - 16 years ago

    I agree with Amanda. Brian would have made the house much more interesting and he was funny too. But since he's gone, I'll have to go with Angie. She's the least catty of all the women. As for the rest, I don't like any one of them, particularly Libra. Michele is phony and has to stick her nose in everywhere. April and Keesha are jealous of each other. Jessie too is full of himself. Steven is an ignorant bigot and Dan's not far behind. Ollie is a snake and willing to throw his buds under the bus. Gerry hides behind his USMC values, but will quickly negate them to his advantage (like not wearing the hat makes a difference). Renny is a pawn. I agree with Brian. Memphis bears watching. He could walk away with it, if he continues to keep his head down.
    There's already a lot of hateful dissension amongst the women. The men should use that to their advantage, but keep Ollie at an arm's length. April will play him every chance she gets.

    All in all, a lackluster crew compared to last season's bunch of zanies.

  • rayrayfad - 16 years ago

    I like Libra. Good to see these results. She is bossy and sassy, I love that in a women. lol

  • Amanda - 16 years ago

    This is suprising to me. My fav was Brian, but for now I will go with Angie, I did not expect so many people to like Libra. She is nice but i wouldnt even think of her in my top 10. VERY interesting! LOL!!

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