Ponyville Aside, Which City in Equestria Would You Visit First That we have Seen in the Show?


  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    This poll is over. Luna won again! :D

  • Ben Russell-Gough - 11 years ago

    Been to RL New York and loved it so I'd be very interested to compare it with its' Equestrian counterpart. Frankly, Canterlot looks too stuck-up for my liking and I'm not sure I'd feel happy walking on clouds!

  • SHaba - 11 years ago

    Take me down to Canterlot city with social scene and the mares to pretty. Oh won't you please take me home. yeah yeah.

  • Gear Mane - 11 years ago

    Las Pegasus!

  • KindaSorta - 11 years ago

    I'd love to visit the Everfree Forest!

  • Mega_Bolt - 11 years ago


  • Ping chan - 11 years ago

    Aquestria all the way! Just need some scuba gear and I'll spend all day and night with the sea ponies!

  • hoctoc - 11 years ago

    the sisters old castle in the ever free forest. The history there!

  • Mike - 11 years ago

    Los Pegasis for me man

  • Swash - 11 years ago

    I'd go straight to the Crystal Empire and ask Cadance why the hell she never does jack shit with her brother-in-law. And I'd use the visit to tell Shining that his adopted little pal is in desperate need of guy time if the best he can do is Snips.

  • Funny Farm - 11 years ago

    Everfree Forest

  • Kreature - 11 years ago

    After contemplating the pros and cons of each location, I chose the Crystal Empire for its shier majesty. after getting to uninteresting (to me) out of the way (Manehattan, Aquastria, Manehattan, and other). Canterlot, while the regal city, is rather snide and unpleasant when it comes to its citizens. Rainbow Falls is beautiful to behold, but not much there other than the scenery. Cloudsdale was an option but for non pegasi, even with a cloud walking spell, it would be rather hard and embarrassing to get around properly with the free floating structures and all.

  • OH, and Aquestria is actually Aquastria. It hasn't been seen in the show; it was featured in a book by Mary Jane Begin. Info here: http://www.amazon.com/My-Little-Pony-Under-Sparkling/dp/0316245593

  • Rainbow Falls! It would be so peaceful there, as long as nopony else was there XD! I'd probably rise early once I got there so i could bask in the beauty.

  • DarkStone2474 - 11 years ago

    Is Aquestria Austria???

  • Rockpath5 - 11 years ago

    I don't have any particular desire to visit any cities. I'd want to spend the whole time with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. If they weren't going somewhere else, I wouldn't either.

  • Jake Ryan - 11 years ago

    I would definitely busy the city of detrot. The pony equivalent of Detroit.

  • lordelliott - 11 years ago

    Luna is in Canterlot. Therefore, I voted Canterlot. :) Also, where the heck is Aquestria? Is that from the comics or something??

  • Element of Kindness - 11 years ago


  • Mally - 11 years ago

    Cloudsdale. Always been fascinated about how pegasi live in the clouds so obvious choice, and its beautiful! Canterlot would be fun as well!

  • Lissa - 11 years ago

    Why Ponyville aside? What's wrong with it?

  • Wesley Gard - 11 years ago

    I'm surprised no one choose Manehattan? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UjsXo9l6I8&feature=kp

  • Frith - 11 years ago

    LOLsecondtolast. It was a toss-up between Canterlot and Rainbow Falls, but the Crystal Empire is also tempting.

  • lolfirst - 11 years ago


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