Should Sarah cut her off?


  • Rebecca De Los Santos - 10 years ago

    Yes sarah needs to cut her off I can understand that sarah feels bad for the little girl but if the mother can find the money to do things that are extra for herself then she can find the money for her kid and if she can't come up with it then she should as a mother should cut some of the extra things out of her daily routine so her kid can have a party sarah should not feel bad at all you need to know when to help and when to back off and to let a person stand on there own

  • Tina - 11 years ago

    Most def cut her off!!!! If it makes you feel better get her daughter a gift.

  • Sabrina - 11 years ago

    CUT HER OFF! If she can afford to party, smoke and have a cell phone then she can afford the party. If her daughter doesn't have a party that is on her not you, she should have thought about that when she was out spending money on partying. A good parent makes sacrafices for their children.

  • Jasmine N. - 11 years ago

    It's her daughter therefore it's HER responsiblitly as a MOTHER to provide for the girl, not SARAH'S. The nerves that lady have to send Sarah an email! If she can't handle her business, she has no business of being a mom. I hate lazy and irresponsible people like that.

  • Betty - 11 years ago

    If she has money to be out partying then she should have money for her daughter's birthday party. Enough said... Cut her off at once!! She's only taking advantage of your good heart

  • Leia - 11 years ago

    A good parent ALWAYS puts their child(ren) first. Cut her off. She had that little girl not you. Get her a nice gift and if you want maybe a little cake, that is all kids really care about at a party anyway. Don't feel bad. If she can party and smoke she can afford a party for her daughter. Parents like that really tick me off.

  • vanessa - 11 years ago

    Sarah you need to cut her off all your doing is enabling her by giving her money everytime she asks she needs to get up and find a job and teach her daughter she can do it alone. She will call you back for xmas i think it will also be hard to say no but you can buy one gift from you and she can buy the rest she knows when is xmas and her birthday she shouldve save her cigarettes money

  • cherie - 11 years ago

    Wouldn't hand over a blank check that's for sure. When loaning money I will help if its food or gas or even a bill but I will take you to the store and buy food or take you to pay a bill. I guess its my way of not feeling riped off. I would talk with her and find out why she can afford her personal wants but not her daughters and make your decision from that.

  • Paige - 11 years ago

    Buy the kid a couple
    Of gifts and definitely cut her off. You can continue to help the little girl without enabling her mother. There's no law that says a kid needs a birthday party but get her a gift so she doesn't go without. Something nice!
    As for the mother, as long as she has you for a safety net, she won't actually save for these types of things and continue to make it all about herself instead of her daughter.

  • Julie - 11 years ago

    Oh and by the way, if theres anything worse to be called other than the devil...ive been called it! just for standing up for myself! :)

  • Julie - 11 years ago

    Sarah...cut her off!!! i did the same for a friend and almost lost my own self and stuff due to all the money i gave her. It didnt matter how much i gave, it was never enough and i worked me ass off doing overtime in order to be able to help a nurse in a busy er, so im no stranger to hard work. however, when she smokes, drinks, and helps her boyfriends with their phones and bills...then im sorry she put them first over her kids! Good luck, its hard to say no when kids are involved, but you cant save everyone! Hang in there, i know the pain!

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