Many New York parents, including Gov. Cuomo's GOP challenger Rob Astorino, are opting kids out of grade 3-8 Common Core-aligned state tests. What do you think?


  • nowaytoday - 11 years ago

    Cuomo is to blame as he could have opted the entire state out of common core. common core will dumb down the children of this country who attend public schools, only the elitists such as obama his kids will attend private schools and will be taught to a higher standard. so since teachers do not have to teach as much then they should be paid less? yes! How Rob speaks is no different on how liberals use the same scheme when attacking someone from across the isle.

  • MF - 11 years ago

    I don't believe in not trying. I would rather teach my children to learn how to deal with difficulties, failures and hardships. I'd rather not teach them to not try or quit.

  • Dennis McDermott - 11 years ago

    CE Astorino has proven to be one of the very best 'sound bite' politicians of this generation.

    That he could weave 'Obamacare' into a political grandstand on education and further coin 'Cuomo Common Core' as his sound bite of the month shows that he will stoop to any level -- including using his children as pawns -- to further his own private agenda.

    Donald Trump is looking better and better each day...

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