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Is a $15k fine the right penalty for Ingall's rant?


  • brodie - 10 years ago

    I agree the official's do deserve some respect but the driver's should be included as well. Rusty I admit you were in the wrong but why should any races of any sport be fined so much for something so little and silly. And also in V8's and any other kind of motor sports there is more talk in the pits after races and no-one is ever concerned.

  • Linz - 10 years ago

    Ingall should count himself lucky he only got a slap on the hand. He's always been arrogant and how he never killed an opponent still mystifies me. Will be a big day when he retires.

  • Anon - 10 years ago

    Incitement to violence against umpires, referees, stewards or any official in any sport is unacceptable. Officials should be able to make their decisions, within and upholding the rules of the sport, without FEAR or favour. If a sports person disagrees with the initial decision they need to then investigate all available avenues of appeal to have others review the decision.

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