Do you think Munoz should be deported?


  • Keith - 10 years ago

    You need to add another survey option: "She should be commended for taking personal responsibility for the things she wants, and for her entrepreneurial spirit".

  • Danise Wilcox - 10 years ago

    She was 18 when she broke the law....being an illegal alien is a crime also. We just keep accepting all the illegals and the crimes they commit and should do nothing??? Take a look at the prisons and see how many are illegals. We are allowing ourselves to become a bankrupt country. There are no excuses. She should be deported along with anyone else with an expired visa or are here illegally.

  • Sam kim - 10 years ago

    So when did "being a good person" exclude someone from being tried to extent of the law? She is a ILLEGAL immigrant, she committed a crime she should be punished. Someone was hospitalised for her actions she should be tried for attempted murder too!!

  • Mikel Ramos - 10 years ago

    She's a teenage girl! She's been here since she was four fuck your temp visa she's a damn citizen! If we deport her then there should be no argument to deport them all! If selling pot brownies at school is the worst she's done then right on cuz we have all done worse. "But a kid was hospitalized" boo hoo lightweight! We live in a pot smoking state so "crimes" committed with pot shouldn't be a fucking surprise. People these days are to quick to punish people severely for crimes that are not severe. So let's show the world that if you mess up a little in America, you will pay for it with your life. Such a fucking joke!

  • Pedro Martinez - 10 years ago

    There are worst criminals out there that has done worse, I don't think selling marijuana in brownies should be a consequences of her to be deported. Everyone the things she should be deported are ignorant. I don't smoke marijuana and I don't support it but I also think that God put me here for a reason it didn't magically appear

  • Kate - 10 years ago

    Huh. It's almost like breaking the law has consequences or something.

  • Universal Soul - 10 years ago

    In a country where there is countless crimes commit by a foreign regime call the US government. We all are immigrants to these lands call USA. Why not we all get departed by the native of this land. ALL from foreign descendants. THIS LAND DONOT BELONGS TO KNOW ONE BUT THE PEOPLE NOT AN ENTITY. FAR AS MARIJUANA. WHEN DO NATURAL a Nature is against man will. SMHh

  • Jim Russell - 10 years ago

    It is a crime to overstay your visa for 14 years. It doesn't matter if you commit a misdemeanor or felony, every immigrant who comes here and commits a crime should be sent home. It doesn't matter if you came from Europe, Africa, or Latin America. I would expect to be swiftly deported if I overstayed my welcome in another country and then was caught selling drugs, so I cannot understand why this is even a debate.

    This country should have a high standard for what is acceptable behavior for visitors. There are plenty of people waiting in line to get in the US and we want to keep the girl who's selling a bunch of poorly crafted weed brownies? Yes some other kids who are US citizens do worse, but that doesn't change the fact that she knowingly overstayed her visa and got caught commiting a crime.

  • Aaron - 10 years ago

    I could agree with deportation if everyone who commits a crime will be deported to their home country.
    So first kick that Bieber out of the States and all the rest who commited murder, rape etc.
    Only then i can agree with deportation, but as this is not the case i object against her deportation.

  • Lela hernandez - 10 years ago

    This is sad she has been in jail about a year, that's a really long time, people make mistakes and when you're young and nieve you don't think about the consequences because you're not mature especially if your not raised rite, I don't see how people can make such a big deal out of this and be so judgmental as if they have never done anything wrong, I'm sure all this time she's been in jail she's regretted what she has done I say give her a second chance she is no worse then the kids who bought the brownies why aren't the spoken of in any of this they broke the law just as much as she did definitely something to think about.

  • Lela hernandez - 10 years ago

    This is sad she has been in jail about a year, that's a really long time, people make mistakes and when you're young and nieve you don't think about the consequences because you're not mature especially if your not raised rite, I don't see how people can make such a big deal out of this and be so judgmental as if they have never done anything wrong, I'm sure all this time she's been in jail she's regretted what she has done I say give her a second chance she is no worse then the kids who bought the brownies why aren't the spoken of in any of this they broke the law just as much as she did definitely something to think about.

  • Marco V - 10 years ago

    RIDICULOUS !!!!!

  • The Shadow Knows - 10 years ago

    Read the article, which says, "She came to the United States with temporary permission in 2000." Find out how long her authorized period of stay was. Is she an overstay? Did she become a permanent resident (green card holder)? If not, sorry, bye bye. If she became a permanent resident, what did she plead guilty to? If it was sales of a controlled substance, sorry, bye bye. If it was simple possession of marijuana, then she is not subject to deportation. Is she an adult tried in Superior Court or a juvenile? The article is incomplete.

  • Betty - 10 years ago

    Although her crime wasn't severe, she knew the risks for breaking the law. If I was in the states with a temporary visa, I wouldn't want to do anything that could send me back to my home. If I really did need the money, I would've gotten a job!! Plus, her plan backfired when a student got sick and had to visit the hospital.

  • Mark - 10 years ago

    Im a hater so shes deserves to get deported

  • jose jiminez rolando maria valdez trochenayev - 10 years ago

    the law is the law. and not only did she break the law....SHE GOT CAUGHT.

    that being said, I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

    time served and probation, yes. deportation...NO.

  • Jennifer Paredes - 10 years ago

    This is f******* ricdiclious! It's a completely innocent crime, this poll itself is injustice! I'm very disappointed in the journalistic entegrity of this article. She is a great person, and should stay in this country

  • cameron moore - 10 years ago

    This is not justice. Her crime is not that severe. Citizens of our country do much worse than this and do not get punished nearly as severely.

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