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What camera do you use the most while driving a truck in Euro Truck Simulator 2? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 21,916

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    Fast immer Innenkamera. Manchmal hinter dem LKW und Filmkamera (Drucktaste 8).

  • Mickey - 11 years ago

    I must say that i use all of those cameras !!!!
    Mostly is BEHINF THE TRUCK ( at driving ) and Interior camera
    At parking is always roof top camera for beter view

  • Oto Majdák /otoman/ - 11 years ago

    Pohľad z kabíny je nabližšie realite, nemám dôvod používať inú kameru. Keď chcem vidieť zaujímavé prostredie alebo to čo ma zaujalo, tak vezmem foťák a mám všetko pred sebou otvorené a môžem sa kochať prostredím. Zároveň mám oddych a relax.

  • Viktor - 11 years ago

    Interior Camera, yes !

  • Jay Richards - 11 years ago

    When you take the C+E (Heavy Transport) Licence in real life, what every Instructor/Examiner says to you is "Your side mirrors and instinct are your best friends."

    No roof cameras or bumper cameras, lets be honest, when you drive a truck you are not mounted on its roof or strapped to its bumper, thats just aesthetic. Real close to life experience is inside the cabin, and i said close to life, as a truck driver myself, i notice that are some subtle things that are not present in games, such as cabin suspension, the effects of pneumatic seats on your back or the changes you "feel" in your truck engine and gearbox when you haul huge/heavy loads.

    Bottom line is...Inside Camera!

  • Wolf - 11 years ago

    Také si myslím že pohled z kabiny je lepší je ho hodně reálné a prostě je to lepší.

  • orosz stanislav (lopraiz2) - 11 years ago

    řídím také s kabiny, jsem řidič kamionu a mohu srovnávat. Tento pohled je opravdu nejblíže skutečnosti, další pohled je dozadu s okýnka při couvání jej často používám. Hraju pomocí keypadu a klávesnice, volant s hodně tlačítky by přišel vhod.

  • Rubber Duck - 11 years ago

    Always inside, with TrackIR.

  • stalin - 11 years ago



  • birdhouseman104 - 11 years ago

    I usually drive inside the truck. My computer doesn't run the game really smoothly so I'll go to the bumper camera. Overall I use the inside camera for a more sim like experience.

  • Morphious1103 - 11 years ago

    From inside the cab it's the ONLY and CLOSEST to driving a real truck HANDS DOWN! I don't see why you should use another view to drive. That's pointless to me but... whatever floats your boat! :) For SCS, can we have a black guy driving the truck or at least choose a race? I'm just saying because not ALL truck drivers are Caucasian. And I agree with another post on here about have hands on the wheel and having the option to remove the steering wheel (For those using their own wheel. I use a remote keyboard/mouse combination) I have a lot of other ideas as well as I used to be a truck driver stateside. Contact me if you can. Thanks for your time.

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