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Luna offers to take you on a vacation to a planet in the solar system (w/Life Support). Choose one!

Total Votes: 21,184

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    You know, it just occurred to me. EARTH would be a way cooler planet to visit with Luna. Earth is awesome guys. We have beaches, vast forests, majestic mountains, the Great Barrier Reef, plus all the cool things humans have made.

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    This is so old. NEW POLL NOW!!! Please.

  • DoomSp0rk - 10 years ago

    I wish they had specified whether or not moons were included in each planetary package, because if they are, then Saturn is a shoo-in for best planet to visit. I don't get why so many people chose Mars...

  • Mario - 10 years ago

    Secret powers all so new to her. She is the one named... Oh. Sorry.

  • Suprshot11 - 10 years ago

    Why not Uranus? If I was with her, I'd like to go to uranus.

  • Raven - 10 years ago

    Why no pluto? That's my favorite planet!!!! :(:(:( Oh, and NASA made it a planet again so it should be on the poll!!!

  • Balsiefen - 10 years ago

    2.5K people are going to think themselves very clever for a few seconds before having to stare at a featureless green disk for three hours.
    Mars is dull. Like Nevada without the gambling.
    Saturn is the correct answer, not least because it has more moons than any other planet.

  • hikerboy - 10 years ago

    Applejack I reject your reality and substitute my own

  • Pumbloom - 10 years ago

    I am offended where is Pluto

  • Humorous Anon - 10 years ago

    So, looks Like I can't take a trip to uranus

  • john - 10 years ago

    Jupiter power make up

  • Dakuu - 10 years ago

    Well, if I vaguely remember basic astronomy from middle school... I'd pick Jupiter for the reason that it's one of those planets that have constant storms and tornados (and if I'm correct Jupiter is the one with the big red dot you can see from space because it's some nutz-O, god-tier storm that never ends). Sounds like the ideal vaca-planet to me, I'd be surfing those storms for hours, Luna-permitting, lol.

    By all means, correct me if I'm wrong and I'm confusing planets~

  • Clay - 10 years ago

    Mars might not have the most moons but if I were to enjoy seeing multiple moons with Luna I'd actually like to, you know, SEE them. Can't do that with the gas giants.

  • crysal - 10 years ago

    guys please thing about this Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas gigants

  • Octaviaisbest - 10 years ago

    Idea for poll: which character's parents would you like to see most? Fluttershy, RD, Discord, Celestia and Luna, chrysalis, Sombra, Derpy

  • Killbeat - 10 years ago

    pffft...... Planets. Planets are to mainstream! Dwarf Planets rules! Like Eris

  • Scarlet Streak - 10 years ago

    Mars for me :D
    What'd interest me is this (potential poll):
    What pony-related activities do you mostly do whilst waiting for the next episode?
    -Listening to and/or creating music
    -Watching/making videos (PMVs etc.)
    -Looking at/making art (incl. comics)
    -Reading/writing fanfictions
    -Rewatching all the episodes
    -Living in EQD
    -Hailing Luna, duh!

    Last aspect for me, of course.
    Not sure if I may have missed an aspect, or if this sort of poll has been given before, but never mind, I'mma gonna post it anyhow.

  • Flowey Flip - 10 years ago

    Well, as they say, men are from Mars I guess. x3 (Saturn is a really cool spot, though, definitely a second pick. I voted Venus since it's the only one I've ever seen in-person and it really was beautiful. *w* )

    smh Uranus voters. :p

  • buysomeapples - 10 years ago

    in reality this was a test to see how mature people are, how many said uranus.... I SURE AS HELL DID! HAHAHA

  • LxDead - 10 years ago

    The red planet of course! Those storms, red earth, red dust and his two moons, Daimos and Phobos!

  • Herp - 10 years ago

    I wanna be in Uranus :v

  • Regal - 10 years ago

    If Pluto is not on the list, it's not a proper poll.

  • pepperpunk - 10 years ago


  • Kicks_McGee - 10 years ago

    No Pluto? Screw you little new millennium kids with your "not a planet" bullshit.

  • Ender1200 - 10 years ago

    Too bad we can't have moons in here. Titan should be a really awsome place to visit.

  • Mornie - 10 years ago

    Since i saw odissey 2001 when i was a child, i´ve been wondering how Jupiter actually looks like....

  • Neil Degrasse Tyson - 10 years ago

    There is a good reason Pluto isn't on the list. Also, Jupiter has a giant ass hurricane. I want to see that first hand.

  • Neil Degrasse Tyson - 10 years ago

    There is a good reason Pluto isn't on the list. Also, Jupiter has a giant ass hurricane. I want to see that first hand.

  • Rainbow Pastel - 10 years ago

    I'm goin' in Uranus ;)

  • Felidae0 - 10 years ago

    "Fly me to the Moon, let me play among the stars, let see what spring is like on-a Jupiter and Mars..."

  • Tilas300 - 10 years ago

    It rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.

  • inDerpxar - 10 years ago

    Wait, no "THE MOON" option? Tsk, tsk. Mercury it is. Seeing the sun that close would be plain cool.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    Neptune. It rains diamonds.

  • L4R63N7 - 10 years ago

    I don't care what they say. Pluto is still a planet! Poor Pluto.

  • Bardic_Knowledge - 10 years ago

    I would have voted for Pluto since it's the furthest solid planet from the sun,, but since someone seems to have forgotten it, I'll go for Saturn.

  • Altherix - 10 years ago


    Lord of the Rings baby!

  • MysteryMare123 - 10 years ago

    Boy I would love for us both to take a trip to her anus some day.

  • Crimson Diamond - 10 years ago

    Pluto all the way.

  • WavemasterRyx - 10 years ago

    I vote for Pluto.

  • ChanceyB - 10 years ago

    Huh.... I thought Uranus would be winning. Maybe that whole Uranus joke was more popular in my fifth grade class than it is today.

  • anon - 10 years ago

    ROCKET NO. 9 TAKE OFF TO THE PLANET, ~to the planet~, VENUS!

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    *the rest are too cloudy or hot

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    It's funny 'cause I was just talking about Uranus on YouTube, Seth. :P I voted Mars btw, cause too cloudy or hot. If you had included moons and stuff, I would have said Jupiter or the rings of Saturn.

  • SomeGuy - 10 years ago

    Fighting evil by moonlight...

  • CapitalSpace - 10 years ago

    I would go to Jupiter and Saturn, as they have the most moons, and the largest moons. Their moons also have the coolest names, as well as look the coolest.

  • Bill_gatez - 10 years ago

    I am surprised Uranus is no top of the list.

  • Ticks - 10 years ago

    Venus, cause it snows metal

  • Yordna - 10 years ago

    I'm going to Venus because it's undoubtedly more exciting there than on Mars. There are a lot of sulfur storms and hurricanes, which are awesome, while Mars is really just a cold, dead rock.

  • TexasUberAlles - 10 years ago

    Neptune, 'cuz it's the bluest Blue Planet.

  • FancyCat - 10 years ago

    Who wouldn't want to take Luna on a tour of Uranus?

  • JetH7 - 10 years ago

    Where's Pluto? D:

  • Forra - 10 years ago

    Aww I wanted to say Pluto x.x

    Yes yes I know Dwarf Planet etc.. but I wanna see how Pluto and Charon orbit eachother, and how the sky literally condenses and falls to the ground as the seasons change x.x

    Oh well, Jupiter it is. Fascinating Moon System and all not to mention the stuff deep in upiter itself >.>

  • Boardgamebrony - 10 years ago

    I would go to Mars so I could bring back information about the planet that humans could use in their attempt to colonize it. I'd even bring back Martian rocks (in sealed, sterilized containers) so scientists could study them.

    And if Luna and I are going to Mars, we're taking Maud Pie with us.

    Maud: "This planet is one giant red rock...I am in paradise."

  • Dreike - 10 years ago

    I put Saturn, but mainly as a substitute for Titan (one of Saturn's moons). It's got an atmosphere and liquid lakes -- it's be pretty cool to see first-hand.

  • Applejack - 10 years ago


    Pluto isn't a planet, it's a dwarf planet. If you're going to include Pluto, you have to include Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. Maybe even the dozen or more that are likely dwarf planet candidates, although there may be a hundred or more in the Kuiper belt, and many thousands beyond that.

  • Emptybee - 10 years ago

    So wait, Earth's not a planet? Because I'd totally love to tour the world with a lunar princess.

  • Flame - 10 years ago

    Well Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are out, can't really visit the gas giants unless you only wanna see 2 feet in front of your face if that. Venus might be cool just to see the acid rain evaporate before it hits the ground, though what that ground is made of might not be worth standing in to see it. Mars... Meh, just go to Arizona and put on some red tinted glasses and you're there.

    Mercury though, assuming that the life support protects you from everything, it would be AWESOME to visit. Mercury has no atmosphere, meaning that ALL the stars are in view, if you're on the dark side anyway. And if Luna can protect your eyes from going blind (and the heat), then being able to see the Sun from so close would be amazing. Tis a shame that not more people are voting on it, their loss.

  • Nuserame - 10 years ago

    Needs more Io!

    No its not a planet, but it does look like pizza, has scenic volcanic activity, charming molten sulphur lakes and a nice view of Jupiter.

  • Skyla - 10 years ago

    on Neptune it rains diamonds sooo....

  • kyle - 10 years ago

    Definitely Ur(anus).

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    Venus, that's where all the women come from right?

  • hikerboy - 10 years ago

    I'm more annoyed that Pluto isn't on the list.

  • EmmaRose - 10 years ago


  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    I picked Mars because it is the only one where I wouldn't be crushed by the gravity or burned to a crisp. Life support would be of no help for any of the others. Venus is the most mild of the other planets, and the satellite they landed there didn't last more than a few minutes.

    @ Night SKetch They aren't solid, so no, you could not.

  • HeimoBauss - 10 years ago

    I'd like to take a trip... Uranus, if you know what I mean hue hue hue.

    Mars otherwise, gonna go and confuse NASA...

  • Night SKetch - 10 years ago

    Saturn, so Luna and I can walk on it's rings!

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