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Do You Think Students Should Be Offered Breakfast At School?


  • Marie Antoinette - 10 years ago

    Qu'ils mangent de la brioche, (Let them eat cake)

  • anonymous - 10 years ago

    (When elementary age) I never got breakfast, my mother did not feel like getting up early enough to fix it and sometimes she would not fix me a lunch to take either (the school did not provide lunches). Dad left for work really early before I got up & ate breakfast and lunch at work, he was oblivious. I was not allowed in the kitchen until I was older. When I got caught stealing food from other kid's lunches I told them I was doing it because I was hungry. They called my mother who said I was lying and I was stupid and a picky eater and forgot to take the nice lunches she'd fix me. Of course they believed her. The doctor would always notice how thin and anemic I was and my mother would say it was because I was a picky eater and refused to eat- nothing about some days I only got one meal a day which was the dinner the maid prepared (no we were not poor my any means). Unfortunately the maid did not come until 9 and I was gone by then so she could not feed me breakfast. OK I am telling this because there is a reason why some kids do not get breakfasts or sent with lunches and it could be the child has a negligent parent/s who does not feed them at home. When I got to junior high at a different school they provided lunch so I was assured one good meal a day and it was around then I was old enough to be allowed into the kitchen so I could eat something before school. There are kids who do not get fed properly at home either because the family cannot afford food or else the children are not being property cared for. It is really hard to focus and learn when you are really hungry so I do think they need to identiify kids who are not getting adequate nutrition at home and provide it at school. It's not a kid's fault that have a lousy parent. Of course a lot of kids are obese these days so they need to provide those kids with healthy low calorie foods as they are overfed at home which is abuse the same as starving them.

  • Carla - 10 years ago

    Breakfast is provided at my child's school, but I pay for it, just like I pay for her lunch. It's optional.

  • JoZ - 10 years ago

    No. Parents should be responsible for feeding their children breakfast.

  • keets - 10 years ago

    Of course we should try our best to model decency and compassion. To exemplify anything else would be wholly antithetical to shaping good character in young children who may not have too many good role models to begin with. We need to make sure that is part of the equation, too. Teach children to pay it forward in whatever way they can. Not even a question.

  • Kevin - 10 years ago

    Sure, they can offer it, but they should be charged.

  • Tyler Durden - 10 years ago

    Why should we expect parents to feed their own children breakfast before sending them off to school? Nope.... One more thing to have the Gubbermint take care of and have taxpayers flip the bill for. At least Lexus sales should go up.

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