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Do you think youth sports have become too intense?

1 Comment

  • Paul derrickson - 10 years ago

    The youths described in the article are very young. The selection process for a coach offered nothing but common sense decision making. But what I want to point out is no one gets to choose these coaches at this level unless you are putting your child on a travel team, which would mean you have already tasted the kool- aide and liked it. For the big come one come all leagues you just get someone's parent, and usually their "star" player. I can hear the rotors of a helicopter parent who would try and sort out the pros and cons you mention in your side bar. In youth sports you pays yet money and take what you get. No refunds either I might add.
    For our family it was always the learning experience of playing on a team. If the coaches' kid was hogging the ball and taking all the shots we would explain to our boys that this was not how you play a team sport and encourage them to pass and shoot when you had an open try for a score.
    As far as coaches go on this level - below travel teams- if you don't like the way the coach is coaching, go do it yourself next season. Never quit during a season as we don't want to sanction quitting (unless it was a dangerous situation, which never occurred in our experience but I realize is a possibility).
    Anyway, it is about teaching as a parent what to expect in the world. Over zealous parents are just one thing to discover like an odd insect and avoid it if it is poisonous or tame it if it worthy of being a teaching tool. Take control of the situation as a parent and teach the child.

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