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Which Kate look is your favorite?


  • edithann - 8 years ago

    I love the white cocktail dress, it would look so awesome on me! LOL! Seriously, I love you in this dress it fits you like a glove. I'd wear it over and over again. It sure makes a difference when clothes are tailored to fit you.

  • Esclarmonde - 9 years ago

    Despite the incredible sums of money the Duchess of Cambridge spends on clothes she remains aan ugly and skinny (verging on anorexic) woman. She plays with food and to see her bones is quite off putting. We see too much of this very common girl, her breasts, buttocks which may have been a mistake on the first occasion, but happens with boring regularity. I pray she and her equally vacuous husband never succeed to the throne. They do very little work but party very hard. Every time I see her she reminds me of a much prettier and elegant woman, the Duchess of Windsor.

  • Patricia Manhardt - 10 years ago

    The princess always looks very stylish and has a beautiful smile.

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