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Do you agree with Craigie that Monument Park is being watered down?

1 Comment

  • sean - 10 years ago

    While I agree with Craigie that Pauli Balls and Tino are no Bambino or Iron Horse, it's called Monument park because of the Monuments to Ruth, Gerig, and Mantle and no one is saying that Paul O'Neill or Tino are on the same level as either of them. What they are saying is that these men were great Yankees, This team is steeped with history and unlike some teams they honor that history. And now guys like me who grew up in the 90s, who were always told of the greatness of past Yankees, we can take our kids to monument park and share with them our memories of O'Neill and Tino, and Bernie, the three guys who I feel, almost get forgotten because of the "core four" and though Jeter and Mo will be remembered as two of the all time greatest in the game, I'm glad the Yankees have decided to honor O'Neill and Tino and next year Bernie, these guys were a huge part of 4 world series championship's. Let's not forget O'Neill was an RBI machine and the fire he brought to the game is something some of today's superstars could do with a great deal more of. Tino Martinez stepped into the shoes of the former face of the Yankees and a fan favorite in Donnie Baseball, no easy task especially in New York, Mattingly never won a title but no one questions his status as a Yankee great. There will never be another Babe, Gerig, Mantle, DiMaggio, Berra, but this game has lasted over 100 years and that means there are generations of families sharing memories of the hero's from each era, and no team has more of them than the New York Yankees, and that's why, every day, I thank the good lord for making me a Yankee fan.

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