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Who had the best Rainbow Power design in the finale?

Total Votes: 18,749

  • Swagstallion - 10 years ago

    Are there really that many people complaining about a design in a kid's show, or is it just one nerd making new aliases to comment?

    They weren't kidding when they said these poll comment sections are never worth reading.

  • 30w lightbulb - 10 years ago

    Seriously? You guys vote for Twilight again?

    It surprises me that she still has fans at all after the, uh, incident.

  • L4R63N7 - 10 years ago

    I agree with the general consensus. All of the rainbow power designs are awful. The colors and stripes were ok, I guess. But the giant hair completely ruined the look. If this has to stay in the show, the big hair has got to go.

  • Marissa - 10 years ago

    What's the point of this poll, again? Nobody likes Rainbow Power, so why even ask this? Or change the question to "whose Rainbow Power design sucked the least?"

    Hopefully we will never see this blatant advertising shit again next season. Down with Rainbow Power!

  • Shutterfly - 10 years ago

    I knew it! I just knew it would be a tie for the Princess and Everyponies favorite... Rainbow Dash!

  • Deyna - 10 years ago

    How is Rainbow in 2nd place? She looks like the end result of an upset stomach after eating a bucket of skittles.

  • Somebrony - 10 years ago

    I agree, missing "all overdone" option.

  • GamerBoi42 - 10 years ago

    What the fuck is wrong with all of you?! How the fuck can Twilight's RP design top RD's Super Saiyan-style mane?!

  • Llamawin - 10 years ago

    I honestly thought they were all overdone, and it ruined how the mane 6 looked, but I chose Dashie because she looked kinda like a scribbled over Zapp. I wish the Rainbow Power designs weren't so ridiculous but oh well.

  • yayDurblz - 10 years ago

    The only promblem was that their hair was too much crazy big

  • AlmightySpoonman - 10 years ago

    Honestly, I would prefer having them all turn into alicorns instead of... whatever the heck that was. Maybe even throw some royal regalia on them like a crown or battle armor.

    Actually, yeah I think I'd even be OK if that was a permanent thing. It would even fit pretty well with their new roles.

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    NONE!!! I thought they were all ugly and was glad they were only on the screen a few minutes. However, Fluttershy was the LEAST UGLY in my opinion. The extra colors just clashed with already brilliantly designed character art. Faust and crew got it right in the first place.

  • tenco1 - 10 years ago

    Needs a seventh option: mu.

  • Nightmare_Shinigami - 10 years ago

    I hate them all. Considering how many already wanted a "none of them" Option I wonder how many Percent it would have get... it would have definitly won that Poll (which is probably the Reason why it wasn't included)

  • Tradley - 10 years ago


  • Dogman15 - 10 years ago

    I, too, want a "none of them" option.

  • Cassie - 10 years ago

    They all suck.

  • 120 - 10 years ago

    They were all fucking awful and disgusting but Applejack was the less ridiculous. The most awful, ridiculous and funniest was Rarity... Oh god...

  • Matt - 10 years ago

    The Rainbow Power designs were all awful, the only true downside to the series 4 finale.

  • Rush2201 - 10 years ago

    It doesn't surprise me that Rainbow is 2nd, given people's reaction to the pics when they were first leaked all those months ago... but it will always confuse me. She had by far the worst design, and that's saying something considering how bad the others were. I loved the finale, but I had to make a conscious effort to ignore the rainbow power designs in it. I'm really happy that they only appeared for like 1 minute of the episode.

  • Blacklight - 10 years ago

    Why can't I vote for "none"? They looked horrible!!! They looked like graphitti spray painted on a wall in a skate park!!! I hope I never see "Rainbow Power" ever again!

  • HalflingPony - 10 years ago

    They were all pretty much equally garish.

  • Gokudomatic - 10 years ago

    I also vote for none. How dare you ask us to choose between those ugly costumes? And I remember that AJ's one was particularly ridiculous with the hat.

  • Isnt_it_amazing - 10 years ago

    Although those looked like the fucking apocalypse, Twi had the best by far. I mean, c'mon, she looked the most like herself.

  • Tttrrriiixxxeee - 10 years ago

    There should be a loved them all, hated them all, I don't care should all be catagories.

  • Hexfloog - 10 years ago

    None. None, none, none. They make me cry designer tears.

  • iSharingan - 10 years ago

    the designs were very much over-done. None of them particularly stood out as "better" especially when compared to the normal designs. This poll really needed a "cant decide'/'didn't prefer any' option

  • Jamie - 10 years ago

    None. They all looked disgusting, I'm no design expert but even I can tell they're horrible.

  • Pink Electricity - 10 years ago

    Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are my favorite ponies, but looked hideous in Rainbow Power forms. I'm neutral about how Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy's designs looks. I think Applejack and Rarity looked the best this time, especially Applejack so I voted her. A bit disappointed, my no1 mane six pony looked the worst.

  • Veronika - 10 years ago

    Applejack > Fluttershy > Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash

  • daniel - 10 years ago

    None of them, this whole thing SUCKS.

  • Moonlight Avenger - 10 years ago

    This poll is missing an option: all of them were bad.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    A bit hard to choose, the top contenders being Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy. I chose Rarity for the best patterns and hair that she shouldn't trip over too often.

  • Nettingman - 10 years ago

    I like all of them, but I like Pinkie's the most. :D

  • Jordan - 10 years ago

    They all sucked.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    They were all bad.

  • CapitalSpace - 10 years ago

    Let's see, the two best were Vanilla Twilight and Rainbow Rainbow.

  • Millstone - 10 years ago

    I found the least bad to be Applejack's.
    I don't know, I find it funny that her hat got übercharged too.

  • J. - 10 years ago

    Applejack and Twilight looked the best. Simple, but nice designs, the rest was overdone. Fluttershy's mane was hideous. But, as always, it'll end up like every other poll. It's not about objective opinions, but about popularity.

  • Servant Phoenix - 10 years ago

    Seriously? Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Fluttershy are leading? They were hideous! The two ponies who seemed natural in their design were Rarity and Applejack (and I'm not biased. They are actually my least favorite ponies of the mane 6.) Pinkie Pie was acceptable.

  • anon - 10 years ago

    Where is the none option?

  • Ebonysdagger - 10 years ago

    Well I would have to say Twilight's was the most tasteful for me. Second I would have to honestly give to Fluttershy's as it stood out quite well against her coat color. Applejack and Pinkie kind of tie for me and honestly it was much more appreciable on them so they get third. Rainbow's is only so low because I liked the other designs better though I did love her hair if I ignored how DBZ it looked on her. Rarity's was the one I was the most put off by to be honest. I don't know why but it just didn't suit her to me.

  • Nettingman - 10 years ago

    LOL :D
    I tought Twilight and Rainbow would be the less rated.

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