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Would you consider buying an electric vehicle without incentives and tax breaks?

Total Votes: 3,421
1 Comment

  • umHello - 10 years ago

    80% over 2.2 L/100km. is a FANTASTIC rating with HUGE emission reductions!

    My old 2001 Honda CRV averaged 11.2L/100
    My 2012 Prius does about 3.6L/100 in Summer in Ottawa and 5.4L/100 in Winter. I easily am saving enough cash to take a trip south every year.

    The author of this article provides no valid argument against hybrids whatsoever. ie. they are subsidised (good, I say) and don't get listed mileage (which is darned great compared to most ICE's and ICE vehicles meet listed mileage ratings?)

    See you at the gas pump, if you're lucky!

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