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Did 'Star-Crossed' deserve a second season?


  • Hannah - 7 years ago

    Please bring back star crossed. I dont think a show should be cancelled after the 1st season i feel it didnt get the chance it deserved. It has a great story and i absolutely love it! I need to see more of it!

  • caydee - 10 years ago

    please bring back star crossed and the tomorrow people there great tv shows

  • caydee - 10 years ago

    i watched this show every week and i loved it. i was upset when i heard it wasnt gonna be on anymore. this show has to keep going cause its awesome

  • Fien - 10 years ago

    Yesterday i heard from it and i loved it from the beginning! I watched it all last night it is amazing i think that the cw is cancelling all the goood shows and keeping the bad ones like hart of dixie they didn't give starcrossed a chance and the final ep was such a cliffhanger. I want answers! #BRINGBACKSTARCROSSED #WEWANTSTARCROSSEDSEASON2

  • Lisa - 10 years ago

    I watched the first episode and was immediately HOOKED! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN CANCELLED! PLEASE BRING IT BACK! Star Crossed, Reign, & The Tomorrow People are the only reason this 41 year woman even started watching the CW! I EVEN GOT MY 24 YEARS OLD DAUGHTER HOOKED AFTER HER ONLY WATCHING ONE EPISODE! PLEASE CW....BRING BACK STAR CROSSED!

  • Georgia - 10 years ago

    My friend told me to watch this show and it took me less than 24 hours to finish all the episodes! when I heard it was cancelled I was shatterd, star-crossed is hands down my favourite tv show!! please please please bring it back!!!!

  • shay - 10 years ago

    Found out about this show yesterday, finished it and loved it!! Honestly so disappointed they did not bring it back for a second season! All the shows that seem to be doing good are the ones that get cancelled!!!

  • Racheal - 10 years ago

    Star crossed was only on the air for 13 episodes,call me sentimental but I don't feel it was given a chance to reach its full potential. It was new to air and in such deserved a chance to grab the viewers. The first episodes pulled in millions of viewers give it a chance to pull up the ratings before cancelling.

  • Miko - 10 years ago

    I LOVE STARCROSSED!!! Couldn't wait for Mondays to watch it. I record all of my shows & this is the only one I couldn't wait & had to watch live. Can't they bring it back in the same time slot only in the Spring? Seems to me like we could have a Fall season of shows & a Spring season of different shows. Wouldn't that make the network more money & viewer ratings than running reruns or movie specials? Starcrossed could be the first Spring CW show & while they're at it the can put Emily Owens, MD back on in the Spring, too. BRING BACK STARCROSSED!!

  • Lily - 10 years ago

    Yes there should be a new season I love Star crossed! It's the best show I've see in years.

  • Tania - 10 years ago

    I truly believe that Star Crossed deserves a second season. I've notice that tv channels always cancel shows when they are about to break out. I know a lot of people did not watch star crossed when it first came out because it was not well advertise. But know people are hearing from people and they are starting to watch it. I ask you, if you are reading this to please consider giving star crossed a second season!!!!

  • H.B - 10 years ago

    OMG you have to bring it back for a second season! I totally deserves a second season!! emery and romans story is not done, its just beginning and to end it the way season one ended NO WAY! And Taylor and the baby come on you have to bring it back!

  • JT - 10 years ago

    I have watch star crossed and it a really good show there has to be a second season their just has to be

  • wii_ju - 10 years ago

    Second Season please!!! We want StarCrossed back!!!

  • Lee Ann Ward - 10 years ago

    Star Crossed was an excellent show and definitely deserves a second season.

  • steffanie - 10 years ago

    im em writing on behalf of 9 of my friends.
    omg what r u thinking of getting rid of star crossed. this is so crap and unfar. we all ways counted down to the days when it was on. PLEASE bring it back.

  • Sanchez - 10 years ago

    Second season

  • cheri - 10 years ago

    It was a bit hard to get into. Taking so many directions that lead away from the original theme. Star Crossed appeared to start off strong, then swayed far off into a typical human teen drama series that fails to be original. The best scenes were the beginning series premier and the last scene of the finale, with a couple scenes in between that touched on Atrian life. Bummed a bit, I had hoped to get more into it.

  • Dawn M Biava - 10 years ago

    Please bring back STAR CROSSED!!!

  • salena - 10 years ago

    Wow, woops sorry. Typing on a tablet sucks, but it didn't look like that when I was doing it. Sorry for so many words being stuck together in the last post.

  • Salena - 10 years ago

    I feel that the wholeolympics isdue realky had it start out on the wrong footing. However, when the putit together with Tom. People it gave them the highest rated mon night ratingsthey've had in a year. So, whynotpairit with 100 on theirnight and see what happens? The excuse of B&B having a higher int. Market is bs, as Star Crossed already had an active fan base on 5 continents that I know of, and the online #'s were growing. Sadly, I think if anything kled this show it was probably the budget. I don't have specific figures to back this, but let's face it CGI isn't cheap. Based on what we saw coming in the finale, it looks like the cost was probably going to go up in season 2. This could have done better w/o the love triangle, and benefitted from being on SyFy instead. Sadly we may never know now. However, let this be a warning to other show runners - don't end your first season with a cliff hanger, itdoesn't garantee renewal, and itonly serves to irritate your fanbase. That was a really crappy last conversation for Roman and Emery to have!

  • Tori - 10 years ago

    Star Crossed was an excellent show and deserves another season. If The CW doesn't change its mind, hopefully Netflix or some other network picks it up. I have a lot of favorite shows on The CW but with them cancelling Star Crossed, I have to say I am pretty bitter towards the network. I really think it was a bad call on whoever over there! #SaveStarCrossed

  • mar - 10 years ago

    OMG star-crossed is the best show ever it has to have a second season

  • Lauren - 10 years ago

    Please BRING BACK STARCROSSED..!!! IT deffinitely deserves SEASON 2!!! It CAN'T END LIKE THIS! We need happy ending.. so c'mon.. This AMAzING SHOW needs 2 season. Stargazers need it! This is my favorite tv-show of all time, and #TheBestCastEver

  • jaz - 10 years ago

    1 million percent no doubt #StarCrossed deserve another more seasons you can't just leave us with cliffhanger. We want more in depth story and we love the show so why cancelled it. Massive fan from the UK. So bring back star crossed. We're all sad just gone like that without further explanation to the viewers and fans. Well be waiting. xx

  • Gustavo Moreira - 10 years ago

    I LOVE #StarCrossed (Brazil) EU preciso de Starcrossed

  • Gustavo Moreira - 10 years ago

    a second season #‎StarCrossed‬

  • Gustavo Moreira - 10 years ago


  • Jessica - 10 years ago

    This is one person's opinion of an awesome show! Just because you never got into it doesn't make it a second rate show. Star Crossed deserved a second season and has a large following of very devoted fans to prove that. Star Crossed is a Sci-Fi show with "aliens" that are more realistic than most other outrageous Sci-Fi shows. It was more realistic to life and highly relatable. Star Crossed touched on so many life lessons under it all if any attention was paid to each episode. Saying the show fell flat is ridiculous and a joke none the less! Everyone is titled to an opinion and this is mine about yours. Which to be honest fell flat to me! We love Star Crossed and it deserves season 2!! ✨

  • sykes098 - 10 years ago

    BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what about the people who are in love with the tv show what about us!

  • crystal - 10 years ago

    it deserved a second season. i am into the show and im very upset they cancelled it. BRING STAR-CROSSED BACK FOR A SECOND SEASON

  • Gustavo Moreira - 10 years ago

    is a great idiocy cancel StarCrossed...I want a new season

  • Rachel - 10 years ago

    Someone is boycotting this! There's no way it would drop so fast in one hour! And don't put your opinion BEFORE the poll. That's biased and you can influence some people. Leave Star-Crossed alone!

  • Ashley - 10 years ago

    That was your own opinion that you didn't get into the show. I also thought that Star crossed made me think of xenon that played in Disney back in the 90s. Star crossed was my most favorite show to watch I looked forward to watching it every week and I'm very angry that it was cancelled thanks to your opinion; you ruined it for everyone that did enjoy it thanks a lot I hope your happy.

  • Zee - 10 years ago

    You got what you wanted Beauty and the Beast fans, now leave Star-Crossed alone!

  • Sky - 10 years ago

    Someone is boycotting the pole! That's dropped from 75% to 66% in half an hour!

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