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Would you use the grapefruit technique or let it be used on you?

Total Votes: 119

  • blahblah123 - 11 years ago

    Im glad I found this lol on wshh I dressed up for my man for his bday and had him cover his face with a pillow. He loved it lmao. And he kept asking "wtf is that". But he finished and I showed him and he sat there shocked. Lol Great start of the night. But the only thing is to make sure the hole isnt too tight I had to keep stretching it .

  • PrinceLeron - 11 years ago

    I need that in my life. I went shopping this week and spent most of my time in the produce aisle making the Stevie J face. I saw one woman buying apples and thought "Damn, her husband must like it rough."

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