Do you support gay marriage in Virginia?


  • disgusted - 10 years ago


    I don't think you should be allowed to procreate as you are an ignoramus. I know you didn't "choose" to be ignorant, stupid and illiterate - Oh, wait! YOU actually have the ability to change those traits....sad that there are many people who think the way you do.....although calling that thinking is a real stretch. Go back to the 13th Century where you belong!

  • Pila - 10 years ago

    If its not happening in YOUR bed, why should you care ? That's the whole problem with society, into everyone else's business ! You might have a lot to say about what is and isn't proper, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone !

  • Rob - 10 years ago

    To Greg: Then I guess you probably don't support equality. Way to be bigoted. Probably believe woman aren't equal either I suspect, because some "book" tells you that. And the end of what story? Where in the law does it say marriage is for one man and one woman? If that was the case we wouldn't be having these discussions, but it's not. For every state that has tried to implement that, it's been shot down and will continue to be shot down by the Supreme Court. And, just because you choose to be "straight" doesn't mean you get extra freedoms.

  • Greg - 10 years ago

    I donot believe that a small segment of our population who choose to be Homosexuals should enjoy the same freedoms as those of us who are Strait and donot cjoose to Push there Political and Social agendas on the rest of Us. Marriage is for One Man and One Women,End of Story.

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