POLL: What was the best scene in The Mentalist - Blue Bird?
On the crime scene, even in front of the young suspects, Jane frequently asks Cho if Lisbon is really leaving town for DC.
Jane and Lisbon take a walk to the beach and try to solve the case.
In her room, Lisbon is surprised to see 3 beautiful dresses on her bed; she calls Jane, who's in the room next to her, to thank him.
Lisbon realizes Jane has been planning the whole case for 2 weeks and slipts water on him.
Standing outisde Lisbon's room, Jane apologizes to her. She bursts in tears that wants him to go away.
While talking with the two man, Jane realizes he's in love with Lisbon and he needs to stop her from flying to DC; in the moment when he walks to the door, the other two women point a gun on him.
Jane managed to jump on the plane and tells Lisbon he loves her; both of them are crying; Lisbon still doesn't believe him; Jane is taken away by the security.
In the last scene, Jane is surprised to see Lisbon again; she asks him if what he meant on the plane was true, then she declares to him too; the two shares some kisses.
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