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The National September 11 Memorial Museum is now open to the public. Will you visit?

Total Votes: 28

  • New York Resident and USA citizen - 10 years ago

    No, we do not need a documentary showing how other countries and their people have hate the USA and its occupants. I was there that day and spent the following 8 days there and feel like we as a whole have shown mercy and fear rather than unity and courage. This is only a personal sentiment that I feel regarding the actual buildings. This view in noway shape or form reflects any disregard ordisrespect towards the countless lives and the memory and honorof those that perished.
    My view is only an opinion and a way of coping with the imageds that will stay with me forever.

  • Joanne M. Jones - 10 years ago

    I definitely plan on going and will do so early this summer with my husband and son who will be visiting from out-of-state. Although I know it will be very difficult and very emotional I feel it is something I must do. I used to work in the Wall Street area and knew many people who made it out luckily. Although I personally did not know anyone who perished on that horrific day I feel very connected to that site. My father was a retired Port of NY & NJ Authority employee who worked in tower 1. I had heard a multitude of stories growing up about the World Trade Center's construction and visited him many times when he worked there. My husband is a banker and had clients in the WTC but luckily he was not there that fateful day. That day changed everyone's life forever including my own.

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