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What’s the most important tool you’ve used to build your brand?

Total Votes: 126

  • Subhra Ghosh - 10 years ago

    The products that really win in a marketplace are the ones with a clear brand image offering some unique value proposition. Think of successful products, for example Red Bull energy drink, they craved out a niche in the energy drink market and had clear marketing strategies.

    In a crowded job market, the only way you will be successful is by developing a clear brand identity. If you are still thinking of how to build this identity, networking with people who know you well is very useful. Once you create an identity, you might need to modify or even re-build the identity as you move along and discover who you are and what you are passionate about.

  • HELENE ABRAMS - 10 years ago

    Your best tool is your brand marketing strategy. With out it you will just be spinning your wheels. The goal of your brand marketing strategy is that your potential customer gets comfortable with your message and so it's (theoretically) easier to get them to buy your product or service because they feel engaged with "Your Brand" because you tell a better story than the other guy or gal.

    On Facebook- it's a conversation.
    With E-Blasts it's a soapbox.
    On Blogs- help relate the story.
    On YouTube - create this "take a peek at this really cool interesting stuff my brand is wanting to talk with you here"

    At the end of the day it still must be the same message, "We are the experts and you should buy from us because we will "enhance" your current situation.

    At the core of it, people only buy for one of two reasons.
    1) they are actively seeking to improve the current situation
    2) they need to fix a problem

    They not aware that they could improve the current situation until they received information from you!
    So, until you know who you are and what you can provide… you will be out there talking to no one.

    If you are still working to build your brand, then I would say it's time to consider investing in some professional branding (before your competitors do)!

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