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Total Votes: 287

  • Adam S - 10 years ago

    Here here!

  • Fran Harrington - 10 years ago

    I wish that Craig had put in a 4th option - yes, will vote for you.
    I wholeheartedly concur with Eldon, above. Craig is the a good part of the glue holding BC residents together, giving us correct information on a multitude of levels, and about a lot of stuff we'd never even hear about if he didn't do such an outstanding job. Whether it's about the state of the roads in BC ( horrible pot holes), changes in roads, about the business community, new businesses, commentary about all things political (he's a political junky, as am I), and I could go on for pages.
    He says it like it is, and is a true gentleman with a mind of his own. I know you'd never find him fawning over the mayor or any other politician. If he made a decision on something, you'd be hard-pressed to get him to change his mind. Yet, he seems to have an open mind, and would probably listen closely to you if he thought you had something intelligent to offer in order for him to maybe change his mind.
    He has been a great ambassador for BC, and tourists sure get a kick out of his giving free bike rides in BC.
    When you win, will you still have time for the free bike taxi?? Hmmmm............

  • Eldon Gaw - 10 years ago

    I have never met you and you probably won't come around glad handing at mine or my neighbors door any time soon, however I would like to thank you for all you do in and around BC. Your presence and camera and wit is something that is always welcome in my inbox. I believe BC residents should say a huge thank you to you for your keen eye and tireless enthusiasm for the love of the community. It is a very sad day indeed when the same councillor can run in 17 consecutive elections and get a "by" in a community such as BC. Thank you for at least trying to bring some common sense to the table, and showing sleepy old BC that we get what we deserve, and we deserve a lot better than we are willing to put up with.

    I am not sure if you have written anything lately about the "new" corner of Moodie and Robertson, but the way this has turned out is disastrous. Who ever planned that layout needs to drive it. I go thru that corner several times a day and absolutely hate the new design. AND the merchants along the road have to be totally pissed at the city for the deliberate minefield customers need to go thru to get into their businesses like Loblaws/Zellers Canadian tire etc.
    There is No excuse for this fiasco.

    As for the layout, for example, turning north onto Moodie from westbound Robertson, used to have a merge lane, but not now!!! Now you HAVE to crank your head backwards to try and see Moodie traffic coming at you at insane speed lane, and then try to blend into northbound Moodie ...only to have to follow the stupid lane swing left to accommodate the bicycle lane AND a right turn lane into Loblaws? then further north, at the TD Bank we still have that stupid lane that ends just before the right turn into the TD area...and those coming out of there turning north have no merge lane onto Moodie either? At least their challenge is ONLY a 90 degree one not like Moodie and Robertson

    Back at the "intersection" what a screw up. Coming back and turning left onto Roberston eastbound from Moodie south we now have two lanes of left turning traffic, but can only get three or max four cars thru the (yellow) light before it turns, and you have to sit for ever waiting for the cycle to go full circle.

    Bicyclists in BC at night...Two night ago, I was coming home around 9:30 or so. I saw three bicycles one on Moodie southbound near the urban farm, one on Robertson in front of the hot tub and pool shop, and one on Stinson just around the corner from Robertson. Not one of them had a front or rear light or reflectors, and all were wearing dark colours...and all were on the road way in the right lane. And we wonder why motorists hit bicycles. Shame on them, for so many people are really out there to enjoy the simplicity and common sense that comes of cycling, that these three idiots all just have a death wish, and someone else's expense.

    I really enjoyed your recent article on signage, well researched and well written thanks. I didn't know what the city charged for those ugly things...

    Have to ask though, were there any serious injuries or car accidents caused by the firecracker man? THAT should have been removed or at least moved back onto their property. Well done future councillor.


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