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Do you think 'Revolution' deserved a third season?

Total Votes: 8,829

  • ALLISON LANSBERRY - 10 years ago

    As season two progressed the whole Nano concept was getting more & more annoying. It took away from the story not adding to it. Also they made a mistake not killing off Neville's charactet (father not son) as his over-the-top paranonoid insanity is getting too much to take. He has killed too many people to get away everytime. Also I don't likr the main characters doing so much killing. Incapacitating not killing. Not really disappointed they'll be no series three the way it was heading

  • Amy Mucha - 10 years ago

    This is such an amazing show. I have watched it from the beginning. There are so many questions left to be answered. I hope that it will come back in the fall and continue on as ashow that I have never mimissed an episode and look forward to seeing every week.

  • Donna C - 10 years ago

    This was well-written, had a great cast, and was intelligent and thought-provoking in it's plot. Most unique show since LOST. I watched it every time it was on. I've never been so upset by a show being dropped. I will only watch NBC for The Blacklist from now on, something I have never done before. I hope someone else is smart enough to pick it up and reap the benefits of loyal fans.

  • shawna - 10 years ago

    I have been addicted to revolution since the very first episode,although the nano stuff is a bit wierd the show was a family favorite we never miss an episode.

  • Jaycin - 10 years ago

    Awesome show! It's a long shot but there's petitions going

  • janice - 10 years ago

    So disappointed that Revolution was not renewed! It had a great cast, creativity and was one of the best shows on tv... so sick and tired of the reality crap! Although the Nano storyline may have been a bit over the top, the show kept you guessing and wanting more... Revolution was different from the other shows... but I guess the networks are too busy creating/copying reality shows & no-so-funny comedies that are only a slightly different formula from other networks. As far as ratings go, how could any show have the ratings that corporate greed wants when there are over 500 channels on tv, internet options, and DVR?
    And sponsors? Well I have yet to purchase anything just because of a commercial!
    Looks like the only thing I will be watching on NBC is Blacklist.... but then maybe that show might just be too good for NBC to keep as well!
    Really hoping another network has the wisdom to pick up Revolution!

  • Heather Bjork - 10 years ago

    Horrible decision nbc really I can't believe you are bringing back under the done(abd I'm a Stephen king fan) but cancelled revolution just wgen it's getting good. .

  • Marcia - 10 years ago

    What an incredibly LAME move NBC this is a terrific show and now no real finale?! Blacklist is the only decent show left on your channel. How unfortunate.

  • Ken Carter - 10 years ago

    If it weren't for " Blacklist ", I would NEVER watch NBC again. What a bonehead move. Hopefully. there is another network that has sense enough to pick it up. Maybe Syfy

  • Robb - 10 years ago

    Sure bring back "The Dome" after having a year off but cancel this. WE NEED A TRUE FINALE !

  • Kelly - 10 years ago

    I need a third season or a mini series anything to wrap it up. I need to know what happens with the nanotech. This is one of the best show's to be on T.V in years. And is one of the only shows I watch. It was original and thought provoking .. But that's not what most people want. Most people want more dumb-ass comedies that really have no plot or meaning or worse they want more reality T.V. When I watch T.V I like to leave reality not watch video of someone else life. NBC Rethink your decision (Revolution has many loyal fans).

  • Amy Cole - 10 years ago

    This is an unbelievably awesome show! NBC really made a bad decision canceling it! I am still hopeful that another network will pick it up! It already has a built in Fanbase!

  • Amy Cole - 10 years ago

    This is an unbelievably awesome show! NBC really made a bad decision canceling it! I am still hopeful that another network will pick it up! It already has a built in Fanbase!

  • Tracy - 10 years ago

    I'm so dissappointed this series is cancelled. They really never gave the show a chance. The moved it around to different time slots and they would only broadcast new shows 4 or 5 weeks in a row. No wonder there was never a following. If I hadn't set me DVR to record it, I wouldn't have know a new episode was being aired. Can't they make it like "Under the Dome", "Falling Skies", "The Americans" and nuemerous other shows that appear and dissappear at someone's whim? The was one of only two NBC show I watch. The other one I is "Blacklist". I love this show and am going to miss it. How stupid, they cancel "Revolution" and keep "Holly Game Night".

  • Mare - 10 years ago

    I'm seriously hoping NBC reconsiders their incredibly premature decision to cancel this show. Look, I was sad when my soaps got cancelled, I was miffed when they cancelled V ( poor Elizabeth Mitchell!) but the cancellation of this was just as bad as when they pulled Jericho. Hey, other networks, want a great fan base? Do yourself a favor and rep the benefits that NBC just lost and pick this show up. What happens in Idaho?

  • kim - 10 years ago

    WHY WHY would you cancel this series? I am so disappointed at the network for not continuing Revolution.

  • Deborah Buechel - 10 years ago

    DONT CANCEL THE SHOW!!!!!! This series is so different from the other series on TV. Your making a HUGE MISTAKE!!! If nothing else, at least have a proper season finale. I wish I had had the power to out rank who ever decided to cancel this exciting, unique and suspensful series. PLEASE reconsider!

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