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SPEAK UP: Were you surprised at Fred Knapp’s arrest? YESTERDAY'S RESULTS: Will you attend a public Memorial Day event? 38 Yes, 26 No

Total Votes: 230

  • Patrick - 10 years ago

    How can one be surprised. The Bonding Company wouldn't be him. Duh? He was in the legal notices for not paying his propery taxes for his home in Poughkeepsie. Duh? How many flags does one have to have. Now. The $400,000 of taxpayers money is forever gone; will never been recovered. Let's move on to the oversight responsibilites of a Town Board. The Town Board that allowed his appontment knowing he couldn't be properly bonded. Duh? Which elected Town board member was assigned the responsiblity of Financial oversight. What is the traditional review of "invoices before approval for payment?" Is there one. POJO reported that AMERICAN EXPRESS bills were paid. As one knows, they provide a detailed statement of the charges. Duh? Oh, the Town of Beekman doesn't have an AMERICAN EXPRESS card. Duh? I mean you can't make this up. Now. Talking about other big $$$ being spent. Who is the Expensive outside Audior Firm? A Marist Accounting major student know this; when doing an audit; on your check list is an item that states; Get a list of ALL credit cards issued to the Client; and don't get it from the Financial person in charge; i.e. from the Secretary. If this was done, obvioulsy, the auditor would have seen payments to a Credit Card company (AMX)...and WOW, what's this all about ($400,000) Duh? Come on. You can't make this up. Poughquag taxpayers you have been're probably all saying Oh Well. Your choice.
    But in ending let me say; be thankful you now have two strong finacial people in place. One being Mr. Brady who Dan French fired!! So he could get the Crook appointed with a narrow majority. But then again one hand washes another; right Dan?

  • Karma - 10 years ago

    Surprised? Heck no, this lovely fellow use to own a factory on route 376 named Polvonite (bankrupt) where they crafted mats for sports such as wrestling and gymnastics. He employed at least half a dozen teenage kids to construct and paint these mats while they unknowingly should have been wearing respiratory masks. These children worked in a chemical environment thick with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and toluene and were even directed to wash the paint off of their hands, arms, and face with the MEK solution. I am not sure if any of them have suffered long term illness but I would imagine these former employees (now adults) are praising this arrest.

  • bertha - 10 years ago

    Not at all surprised, after all, Fran Knapp had to know what was going on. If it were not for her political contacts and friends, Fred Knapp would never have a job - she always got him his jobs. Now I guess he expects to get a deal like his wife and go on as if nothing happened.

  • kathleen - 10 years ago

    Not at all surprised & it seems like his spouse Fran must have been aware also as to how that much debt was being paid off during a 2 year period of time.

  • Karen - 10 years ago

    Not surprised, but disappointed. He made (repeatedly) a very stupid choice. When you're over your head in debt, there are still legal options to dig your way out without resorting to stealing. First you have to contact your creditors and negotiate a lower interest payback plan while closing your account at the same time. Second, you need to examine your spending habits and cut spending back to the bare necessitie. One can also sell personal possessions to raise cash to pay off debt quicker. This will require some lifestyle adjustment, but it's not as severe as the adjustment required when you're sent to prison and your family is disgraced.

  • Mary - 10 years ago

    Not surprised at all. In fact I am just waiting for many more narcissistic political leaders to be caught in illegal activity.

  • ginny - 10 years ago

    Is he a politician??

  • j.mihans - 10 years ago

    Let the facts come out and then let justice have it day..

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