Do You Approve Of This Weekend's Exchange Of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl For 5 Taliban Leaders Being Held At Guantanamo?


  • John - 10 years ago

    Just another piece in the administration's puzzle of brazenly open corruption. Of the situation they could have intervened in they selected the one where the soldier. Bergdahl, had deserted his unit and actively contacted the Taliban; he was training them in bomb making and ambush skills. THIS was the individual that was selected to broker the freedom by releasing five terrorists... a terrorist himself. There are plenty of innocent Americans that Obama could have helped but they decided to circumvent the law f notifying Congress and helped a criminal. This president should be forced to resign and needs to face criminal charges. He is our treason-president. Long live Treasodent Obama.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    I only pray that this was the correct and intelligent thing to do, not the politically correct thing. Those guys could really come back and bite the US in the ass!

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