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Will You Show Up To Vote In Maryland's Gubernatorial Primary?


  • Mary - 10 years ago

    Being a DINO does NOTHING either, you're only fooling yourself.

  • Redjetta - 10 years ago

    To vote in MD for anything but a Dem is a waste of time.

  • Eileen - 10 years ago

    If you don't vote you give up the right to criticize. At the least when you do vote it shows the other guy you don't think much of him. Are we going to let O'Malley keep us away from the polls and let his chronie in ?

  • Carolw - 10 years ago

    If the citizens vote in another democrat this time this state is doomed. All of you who think you are safer because of a democrat are just living in a dream. Take you heads out of your butts and take a look around you, very regulated weapons and one of the highest murder rates in America. Criminals don't obey laws. No matter how much the dems try to make you believe it, they have done nothing for anyone in this state. Larry Hogan for me!!

  • Stacey F. - 10 years ago

    If you don't vote, don't complain about the results. My vote, Gansler for Gov and Frosh for AG. But the Polls don't seem to agree with me.

  • bill - 10 years ago

    voting is nothing but a cruel joke if you think anything good will ever happen your crazy look at what Obama has done ruined our country

  • Brooklyn - 10 years ago

    BROWN BROWN BROWN, his mentor has provided him with some great values and experience in leadership.

  • Mr H - 10 years ago

    Gansler has my vote, his record on making the citizens of Maryland safer, his interpretation of MD laws, helps keep us safer. Frosh is running for the AG job. But I agree, he wants MD to be safer as well.

  • dblas - 10 years ago

    Frosh is the best person for Maryland, his actions to help make MD safer from guns and criminals will help lead MD as one of the safest states in the country. He believes in tough sanctions for criminals, especially those that commit heinous crimes with firearms.

  • Free State - 10 years ago

    What rights will they take away next time?

  • Trade - 10 years ago

    I'm not sure which are worse, the Terrorist Dream Team or these clowns?

  • Pro 2A - 10 years ago

    It is not worth voting in the People Republic of Marylandistan.

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