Should The Rock Cats Re-Locate To Hartford?


  • Elliott Loch Ness - 10 years ago

    Malloy will claim he's created hundreds of jobs (in Hartford). And the liberal main stream media will support him by not questioning jobs lost in New Britain. In November of this year, it will be time to vote Tom Foley into a new job, and send Dictator Dan on a one-way ride on a Magic Bus out of the Governor's mansion, back to his home in Stamford.

  • BoonDannell Malloy - 10 years ago

    The loud, lingering boos he received last season at NB Stadium hurt Danell, er Dan (during campaign season) Malloy's feelings, so he's getting even with them by stealing their pro team. This boondoggle project, almost exclusively for the benefit of union construction workers, yields no benefit for the public. An expansion of NB stadium makes more sense, as it would be less costly, and parking in NB is not a problem, as it would be in the proposed Hartford location. Just when you think Malloy can't top his last failed project, he does. Finally, why is this needed in Hartford if the additional fans in Hartford could easily take the Magic Bus to NB to attend games? Is Danell, er, Dan admitting it would be difficult to get from Hartford to NB - by car or by The Magic Bus? Instead of building Magic Bus paths and an unneeded baseball stadium, why not do what is truly NEEDED; i.e. fix the states' bumpy roads and crumbling bridges? The answer is obvious; the unions want the extra work and the politicians supporting them through these boondoggles need their votes and campaign contribution money.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    What gives Hartford the right to steal away a true jewel of New Britian? If they see the sucess of the Rock Cats and want to duplicate it fine, let em steal a team from another state. Or perhaps they think people will ride the "MAGIC BUS" to go to the games. You know if Malloy is behind this deal, something smells!

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