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How Many Regular Season Games Will Danny Amendola Play In 2014?


  • Boston's strongest - 10 years ago

    I think Richard is a pussy, and sucks penis online to get attention. No one cares about your opinion Richard. Go suck a bag of dicks. Danny you too douche

  • Richard Tebaldi - 10 years ago

    A lot of these schmucks' comments are pretty nasty. Football, is a damned dangerous sport and getting hurt is not a shameful thing. I think the interviewer could have asked more relevant questions. Who the hell cares about last year? I hear some of the questions from other "reporters" and frankly some are redundant and stupid. I'd hang up on them too, because they sound like they know nothing about football. The statements that were made below are those of ignorant malcontents who can neither spell nor think! I'm disgusted with some of these stupid blogs. They have nothing to do with football. Just dopes with nothing to say and a wanting to be heard. If you kept your mouths shut, no one would know how stupid you are.

  • Richard Tebaldi - 10 years ago

    A lot of these schmucks' comments are pretty nasty. Football, is a damned dangerous sport and getting hurt is not a shameful thing. I think the interviewer could have asked more relevant questions. Who the hell cares about last year? I hear some of the questions from other "reporters" and frankly some are redundant and stupid. I'd hang up on them too. The statements above are those of ignorant malcontents who can neither spell nor think! Disgusted with these stupid blogs. They have nothing to do with football. Just dopes with nothing to say and a wanting to be heard. If you kept your mouths shut, no one would know how stupid you are.

  • Jill the pill - 10 years ago

    This guy looks Chinese on tv. Get this communist out of New England!

  • Jamie Lynn TX - 10 years ago

    So my roommate hooked up with this guy and treated her like shit after so here's a little truth for you patriot fans. He always talked shit about playing there and says Boston was full of small ignorant weird sounding people with large noses. He's a rude guy doesn't suprise me he hung up on someone. He treated my roomie like crap cause she told him he had a small pee pee

  • Bobs boston burgers - 10 years ago

    I hear no body likes or wants him in Texas either haha....catch for kids. Real clever

  • Boston does it better - 10 years ago

    I hope he leaves soon

  • David the patriot - 10 years ago

    Hahaha. We all do groan when Danny gets in the game. I hate watching him.

  • Pats number one fan - 10 years ago

    Amendola is the worst reciever in the NFL. Over payed shemale who Tom Brady, I hear hates. Hey amendola if you see this get out of the NFL you joke. You sound like a women, you play like a women. I bet you use a pad on the squat bar. Btw we all groan everytime you enter the game. Pats fans are rooting against you please get hurt or traded again. Your body is breaking down and your eyes are aging and shakey it seems like you can't see the ball that well we notice it this year. Notice it when you second guess everything you do this year. You transvestite.

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