Not much comment on here about such a vital situation.Strange that.I was able to find out just what the astronomical demands from the BCTF are.Startling to say the least.The five thousand dollars signing bonus demand alone is mind boggling.Thousands of teachers getting that kind of money for a signing? The BCTF should realize that the private sector taxpayers that funds their wages and their pensions as well largely don't have any company pension but are still expected by governments to pay for the public servants that do.What is wrong with this picture?
John Oates - 10 years ago
The last time I checked BC's provincial debt had increased by 64.1 percent from 2007-08 to 2013-2014.What does the BCTF supposedly educated people not get about this situation anyway?
Henry Linker - 10 years ago
Funny that its all teachers commenting negative things. From a students point of view, I can say that this is a absolutely brilliant article that has made my day. I mean we're the ones staying at home doing nothing because BCTF wants a raise and more benefits. Yes, teachers are extremely important, but only if they are actually TEACHING and WANT to work!
A. G. (Alex) Tsakumis - 10 years ago
Is it any wonder 'Vancity Buzz' is also known as 'Young BC Liberal central'? Apart from several factual errors in Mr. Dueck's screed, his suppositions and breathtaking inaccuracies (based on purely anecdotal evidence--something he openly admits), are absolutely jaw dropping. A post unworthy of publication. I gather you have no editor...or fact checker.
tracy - 10 years ago
You need to read this-
The BCTF isn't demanding unheard-of new funding. They're asking for the funding that B.C.'s kids used to have. They're asking for the government to respect the rule of law and invest in B.C.'s future. They're asking the Liberals to return the money that they have spent elsewhere.
Over the last decade, almost $2 billion has been funnelled out of public education. Over the last decade, public education has had a funding reduction of almost $2 billion. So, when you think about what a huge amount of money $2 billion is, remember that this is money that used to be in the education budget. We used to have it. Now we don't. Think about what its loss has meant for the public school system.
Robert - 10 years ago
If the real world worked the way that teachers think it does, i.e. more pay = better support for your kids, then this would mean that all the high priced executives running companies into the ground while giving themselves million dollar bonuses = improved lives for their employees. At least in the private sector you can fire their asses for gross incompetence. Try cutting a teacher off the tit of our tax dollars. They keep suckling even if they get caught with their pants down. I don’t think all teachers are bad but they are not all good either.
I think we should give them what they want as long as the government and tax paying community gets the right to have them assessed and fired for their attitudes and incompetence. This, more than class composition and benefits would have the most positive impact on your children's education.
Just as a side note. You can refresh the page and register your vote more than once. I would bet there are a lot of teacher and supporters at home clicking refresh and voting as many times as they can to skew the vote. They have nothing but time on their hands anyways.
harry - 10 years ago
If the teachers were in it for the kids as they say, they would be working a 12 month year. This would not only benefit learning but also afford parents to both work more and pay less daycare. Maybe extra money earned could pay for special tutoring.
Class size does not matter I believe, as the intellects will excel, the majority will move on, and of course there will be the unfortunate ones who will fall behind.
I remember in high school the brains, beauties, and jocks were treated like royalty by some teachers, while others were hardly noticed.
daemien - 10 years ago
You choose your career and being an elementary or high school teacher doesnt take an extrodianary intellect or grueling post secondary studies, a couple subjects are exempt to my forementioned comment. You get summers off I am cool with that perks of the job. However maybe pay should be adjusted to the performance of the students through standerized testing. Smaller class sizes I think not. You see all humans are not born equal and people need to learn that. If you cant keep up you get left behind. Fail the student let them repeat the class to learn at their own pace. Don't make those that can keep up slow their pace for those a little slower. That is not how the real world works, like it or not it is the truth.
daemien - 10 years ago
You choose your career and being an elementary or high school teacher doesnt take an extrodianary intellect or grueling post secondary studies, a couple subjects are exempt to my forementioned comment. You get summers off I am cool with that perks of the job. However maybe pay should be adjusted to the performance of the students through standerized testing. Smaller class sizes I think not. You see all humans are not born equal and people need to learn that. If you cant keep up you get left behind. Fail the student let them repeat the class to learn at their own pace. Don't make those that can keep up slow their pace for those a little slower. That is not how the real world works, like it or not it is the truth.
Lord Flashheart - 10 years ago
After reading some of these posts I think quite a few posters should return to school (if it re-opens) to top-up their language skills such as grammar, spelling and sentence construction.
As for the teachers, I heard they can sign on for EI during the summer months? Is this true?!
Willy - 10 years ago
There are no jobs in the world where you can just walk off and not work until you get what you want. If you want to live in Vancouver you pay a price which is a pay cut. Vancouver has some of the lowest paid doctors lawyers ect. Everyone pays a price to live in such a great city. Most people have 2 weeks vacation. Teachers have 2 months summer holiday along with reading break, xmas, and all other stat holidays. The wages that are presented to the public do not include all of their benefits for them and their family which is aprox. an additional vale of 1/3 of their salary. In a private sector job the employees would just be replaced. Part of the reason teachers want smaller classes is to allow the teachers who don't have jobs in the union and get employed. The gov. should hold their position until the BC teachers Union gives in.
Kevin - 11 years ago
What is with the $3,000 per year massage therapy benefits!???
The "yes" vote in this poll is meaningless. It is stacked by teachers, their spouse, their parents and friends. I can prove that. If the unrelated voters were counted , the RESULT WOULD BE AN OVERWHELMING " NO".
The public is being manipulated and defrauded.
When teachers say, they are fighting for the kids, THAT IS PURE BULLSHIT.
GT - 11 years ago
I don't recall teachers were being helpful when I was in high school. Most didn't really care about our performance in class. They just gave the lecture and marked exams. Now that i have kids, my two sons are much happier studying in private school, and I will never regret.
Joe - 11 years ago
The teachers would get more support if their demands would be more reasonable. Now they stand for: less work, more money, less accountability.
If you don't like your job, go get another one. This is what we, the taxpayers do.
Andrew - 11 years ago
I take issue with the fact that the B.C.T.F. protests against things like the H.S.T. which would of put something like a billion dollars a year in the government funds.Then they want more money and benefits.If they get more classroom support and less of a work load,then why more money?
Ruth - 11 years ago
This is a political game; and teachers are not politicians. The Liberals are raking in the interest from the claw back ;not paying the teachers their full deserved salaries in an attempt to aid balancing a budget that the administrators failed miserably to monitor or regularly audit. This is not the teachers fault they do their job which is to educate our children who will one day be our leaders and providers. The ministry and the school boards know as any big business or service that salaries take most of the budget. This is not a surprise; teacher need and deserve a fair salary for what they do and the level of education required to do their job! Remember you get what you pay for....this is not a new deck we are talking about, this is our future leaders and providers ; every effort should be made to provide the best education, by the best teachers in appropriate class sizes , with assistance for special needs children and it should happen in the best facilities. Liberals are slashing education and health care two services that should be added to not privatized and sold to the lowest bidder. The Liberals are not sticking to the promise families first. As a Long time resident in BC I am disappointed in this current government.
For those of you who criticize teachers for the salaries and time off, well we all made our choices. Again it is not the fault of the teachers you may have chosen low paying jobs for what every the reason, teachers chose their profession knowing the financial gains to be made from higher education and fulfilled their dreams to teach. Perhaps you are over paid and don't want teachers to be in your tax bracket. Bottom line we all made choices and it's not fair to say they are over paid for what they do....don't comment until you walk in their shoes. Don't be so quick to judge other professions from the sidelines. Until you do that job or task yourself I'm sorry to remind you but you really have no business judging! We all want more money we live in the most expensive province! We all want good pensions, like I said don't take your frustrations out on the teachers, you could have made different choices, and had the same benefits in many sectors.Keep focused, let's be known as the province with the best health care and education systems in Canada or the world. We are said to be world class and beautiful, and brag about BC being the best place to live...let's make it so. Because living involves working paying taxes and striving for the best. No I am not a teacher, I work for a municipal police department!
Dion - 11 years ago
I am from Saskatchewan, and I just got the school schedule for next year. 195 days. That is it. That gives teachers 5.5 months off. What more has to be said for them to realize this is nuts. This is why kids are graduating not knowing basic math and English skills.
Every teacher that I know has a summer job!
Rose - 11 years ago
Its not fair to government that the teachers are keep asking raised every year !!! You have to think that teachers are paid even there is no school or they are siting in their home.
Jay Andrews - 11 years ago
In response to Alexander Kunkel's comment. Public school teachers don't do it for the money, at all. They do it because they love their job. We shouldn't be telling people who are capable and willing to put up with and help the future of our society "get a better paying job if you want to live a decent lifestyle". Teachers should be getting paid WAY more. Without them none of us would be here. Private school children pay thousands annually to be enrolled. The public school budget across all of BC is 1.4 billion. Which includes wages. There are roughly about 1600 public schools to divide that money through. That's what Christy Clark gives our children. Her credit card bill is $475,000. Not only that but they have given themselves a considerable raise. I believe we can budget enough to help our teachers and children. Public school teachers would not be complaining about their wages if they made what private school teachers made. Public school teachers teach often because they want to be the positive change they wish to see in their community. It's great that some parents can afford to pay thousands to see their children get a top of the line education. However many parents are working 9-5 and barely making enough to survive. They don't have the time or the money to educate their kids the way they'd wish to. I understand you cannot completely comprehend the concept of money or appreciate the value teachers have within a society. However do not type such an ignorant remark towards the same people that taught you how to write, type and spell.
meagan - 11 years ago
the classes are pretty bad. my teachers all care about my mark, they have worked so hard. they are doing all they can to make sure i pass with as many A's as possible. they have put so much effort into making sure my classes know the material. my bio 11 teacher, well she would sit inside to help me, whether or not it interrupted her time with her child, then my math teacher would go and look at other simpler ways to help those in class who couldnt understand the material, just so they could go home with great marks, and to help them become successful in life. oh yeah my law teacher, he tries to make things easy enough so we all get our work done and so we learn as much as possible. hes prolonged due dates for projects so we can actually pass, but you see the class wouldnt do the work and he cared eough to try ad give us as much class time as possibe to get it done. then theres my geology teacher. he has had to deal with half the class fooling around and not listening to his lessons, they have no respect and half the class would fail tests, so what he did was went and got crosswords to help us study for our vocabulary, and the classes mark went way up, more people passing. i agree with smaller class sizes. more one on one time. im sure marks in every class will improve!
maIna - 11 years ago
teachers are so stupIde. yur jobs can be done by a computers so stop askIng for more when u should be gettIng less.
Rocky Hamilton - 11 years ago
I'm a Special Needs teacher. My last check was $887.43, and I'm laid off every year for the summer with no pay. I teach students with very significant challenges, who qualify as a class anywhere from 60,000 to 100,00 in extra funding. Funny thing is not one of them sees the money. It goes to help shore up a crumbling system. My operating budget for books and supplies is less then $500 a year, and for most things I pay out of pocket.
The BCTF is fighting all the time because the system is ready to collapse in many districts. Teachers know full well many of its tactics are archaic and provide little results, but they don't have many other ways of raising the alarm. Social media will be one of the best tools we have to create awareness for the general public.
Rocky Hamilton - 11 years ago
I'm a Special Needs teacher. My last check was $887.43, and I'm laid off every year for the summer with no pay. I teach students with very significant challenges, who qualify as a class anywhere from 60,000 to 100,00 in extra funding. Funny thing is not one of them sees the money. It goes to help shore up a crumbling system. My operating budget for books and supplies is less then $500 a year, and for most things I pay out of pocket.
The BCTF is fighting all the time because the system is ready to collapse in many districts. Teachers know full well many of its tactics are archaic and provide little results, but they don't have many other ways of raising the alarm. Social media will be one of the best tools we have to create awareness for the general public.
Alexander Kunkel - 11 years ago
I used to be a student at Delview secondary school, There is no need for teachers to go on strike... This is all about the money for not doing anything. And now they are trying to get money for helping kids through bullying... and they say it isn't about the money... Well it technically is because you wouldn't be asking for money for something you have chosen to do. I am thankful for switching to a private school because teachers don't complain and they actually want to teach unlike public school teachers who just want to get paid and not teach the class... I know this from first hand experience, the public school teachers don't want to there job and they want to get paid more for doing very little... If they want more money they should get a different job...
Leola Marchand - 11 years ago
Teachers are the second biggest influence in our children s lives. We want people worthy of that responsibility
to care for and educate them. We all need to appreciate what they do for us, as families and communities. I also think that a demanding job requires the tools to do that job with. You don't send a fireman to a fire with only one guy and no truck just a pail. Teachers are not asking for something that is not an absolute necessity. We expect a lot from them and they should be given the tools to do the job. I understand that it may be difficult to come up with the money now, but for every child that is shorted the cost is much greater. This is a price tag that saves money in the long run.
JT - 11 years ago
this is a whole lot if bs, the teachers union deserves a little more respect then they are being given. i watch my wife spend countless hours of her own time building fun and creative learning tools and educational games to try and captivate the minds and spark the interest of her classes. i have had to help her at times with money to be able to do so because with massive student loans, unions dues and the lack of inflation adjustment for the past ten years everything that she needs to do her job keeps getting more expensive but she dose not get paid any more or get an allowance for the extra above and beyond work she does. with everything that is happening, the names and crude gestures she deals with just for wanting to shape young minds, she will still continue to go above and beyond and strive to cast wonder, interest and hope into the future leaders of this beautiful and unique province we live in. i never really knew, never really felt how she does towards teaching until i witnessed one of her kids, with what most would say no future, no skills, no chance for a better life filled with confusion, pain and hate hold up his Dogwood, shed a tear and thank my wife for being the reason he saw it through. i don't know about you but i still believe that if a child can dream it they can do it, no matter how much money you make. Please support the teachers union and the public school system. Don't let my daughter grow up in a future without hope.
cam - 11 years ago
Its not bs the teacher only do this at the end of the year because they have the most power by not letting kids pass And they say that they do it for the kids Nope they do it for them selfs...
Janeanne - 11 years ago
I have never read so much b.s. in all my life! B.C. teachers are fighting against a government whose end goal is to have a two tier education system. The BC Liberals want to break the union and have control over the education system. Then they can re-jig the curriculum to empasize resources and churn out employees for the oil and gas sector. The government has lost 2 major court cases and are wasting tax dollars by hiring big-shot corporate lawyers to help them. It is scary that the author of this piece of tripe does not see the big picture of what is really going on. The teachers' union deserves a lot more respect. They are fighting for one of the cornerstones of democracy - public education.
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Not much comment on here about such a vital situation.Strange that.I was able to find out just what the astronomical demands from the BCTF are.Startling to say the least.The five thousand dollars signing bonus demand alone is mind boggling.Thousands of teachers getting that kind of money for a signing? The BCTF should realize that the private sector taxpayers that funds their wages and their pensions as well largely don't have any company pension but are still expected by governments to pay for the public servants that do.What is wrong with this picture?
The last time I checked BC's provincial debt had increased by 64.1 percent from 2007-08 to 2013-2014.What does the BCTF supposedly educated people not get about this situation anyway?
Funny that its all teachers commenting negative things. From a students point of view, I can say that this is a absolutely brilliant article that has made my day. I mean we're the ones staying at home doing nothing because BCTF wants a raise and more benefits. Yes, teachers are extremely important, but only if they are actually TEACHING and WANT to work!
Is it any wonder 'Vancity Buzz' is also known as 'Young BC Liberal central'? Apart from several factual errors in Mr. Dueck's screed, his suppositions and breathtaking inaccuracies (based on purely anecdotal evidence--something he openly admits), are absolutely jaw dropping. A post unworthy of publication. I gather you have no editor...or fact checker.
You need to read this-
The BCTF isn't demanding unheard-of new funding. They're asking for the funding that B.C.'s kids used to have. They're asking for the government to respect the rule of law and invest in B.C.'s future. They're asking the Liberals to return the money that they have spent elsewhere.
Over the last decade, almost $2 billion has been funnelled out of public education. Over the last decade, public education has had a funding reduction of almost $2 billion. So, when you think about what a huge amount of money $2 billion is, remember that this is money that used to be in the education budget. We used to have it. Now we don't. Think about what its loss has meant for the public school system.
If the real world worked the way that teachers think it does, i.e. more pay = better support for your kids, then this would mean that all the high priced executives running companies into the ground while giving themselves million dollar bonuses = improved lives for their employees. At least in the private sector you can fire their asses for gross incompetence. Try cutting a teacher off the tit of our tax dollars. They keep suckling even if they get caught with their pants down. I don’t think all teachers are bad but they are not all good either.
I think we should give them what they want as long as the government and tax paying community gets the right to have them assessed and fired for their attitudes and incompetence. This, more than class composition and benefits would have the most positive impact on your children's education.
Just as a side note. You can refresh the page and register your vote more than once. I would bet there are a lot of teacher and supporters at home clicking refresh and voting as many times as they can to skew the vote. They have nothing but time on their hands anyways.
If the teachers were in it for the kids as they say, they would be working a 12 month year. This would not only benefit learning but also afford parents to both work more and pay less daycare. Maybe extra money earned could pay for special tutoring.
Class size does not matter I believe, as the intellects will excel, the majority will move on, and of course there will be the unfortunate ones who will fall behind.
I remember in high school the brains, beauties, and jocks were treated like royalty by some teachers, while others were hardly noticed.
You choose your career and being an elementary or high school teacher doesnt take an extrodianary intellect or grueling post secondary studies, a couple subjects are exempt to my forementioned comment. You get summers off I am cool with that perks of the job. However maybe pay should be adjusted to the performance of the students through standerized testing. Smaller class sizes I think not. You see all humans are not born equal and people need to learn that. If you cant keep up you get left behind. Fail the student let them repeat the class to learn at their own pace. Don't make those that can keep up slow their pace for those a little slower. That is not how the real world works, like it or not it is the truth.
You choose your career and being an elementary or high school teacher doesnt take an extrodianary intellect or grueling post secondary studies, a couple subjects are exempt to my forementioned comment. You get summers off I am cool with that perks of the job. However maybe pay should be adjusted to the performance of the students through standerized testing. Smaller class sizes I think not. You see all humans are not born equal and people need to learn that. If you cant keep up you get left behind. Fail the student let them repeat the class to learn at their own pace. Don't make those that can keep up slow their pace for those a little slower. That is not how the real world works, like it or not it is the truth.
After reading some of these posts I think quite a few posters should return to school (if it re-opens) to top-up their language skills such as grammar, spelling and sentence construction.
As for the teachers, I heard they can sign on for EI during the summer months? Is this true?!
There are no jobs in the world where you can just walk off and not work until you get what you want. If you want to live in Vancouver you pay a price which is a pay cut. Vancouver has some of the lowest paid doctors lawyers ect. Everyone pays a price to live in such a great city. Most people have 2 weeks vacation. Teachers have 2 months summer holiday along with reading break, xmas, and all other stat holidays. The wages that are presented to the public do not include all of their benefits for them and their family which is aprox. an additional vale of 1/3 of their salary. In a private sector job the employees would just be replaced. Part of the reason teachers want smaller classes is to allow the teachers who don't have jobs in the union and get employed. The gov. should hold their position until the BC teachers Union gives in.
What is with the $3,000 per year massage therapy benefits!???
The "yes" vote in this poll is meaningless. It is stacked by teachers, their spouse, their parents and friends. I can prove that. If the unrelated voters were counted , the RESULT WOULD BE AN OVERWHELMING " NO".
The public is being manipulated and defrauded.
When teachers say, they are fighting for the kids, THAT IS PURE BULLSHIT.
I don't recall teachers were being helpful when I was in high school. Most didn't really care about our performance in class. They just gave the lecture and marked exams. Now that i have kids, my two sons are much happier studying in private school, and I will never regret.
The teachers would get more support if their demands would be more reasonable. Now they stand for: less work, more money, less accountability.
If you don't like your job, go get another one. This is what we, the taxpayers do.
I take issue with the fact that the B.C.T.F. protests against things like the H.S.T. which would of put something like a billion dollars a year in the government funds.Then they want more money and benefits.If they get more classroom support and less of a work load,then why more money?
This is a political game; and teachers are not politicians. The Liberals are raking in the interest from the claw back ;not paying the teachers their full deserved salaries in an attempt to aid balancing a budget that the administrators failed miserably to monitor or regularly audit. This is not the teachers fault they do their job which is to educate our children who will one day be our leaders and providers. The ministry and the school boards know as any big business or service that salaries take most of the budget. This is not a surprise; teacher need and deserve a fair salary for what they do and the level of education required to do their job! Remember you get what you pay for....this is not a new deck we are talking about, this is our future leaders and providers ; every effort should be made to provide the best education, by the best teachers in appropriate class sizes , with assistance for special needs children and it should happen in the best facilities. Liberals are slashing education and health care two services that should be added to not privatized and sold to the lowest bidder. The Liberals are not sticking to the promise families first. As a Long time resident in BC I am disappointed in this current government.
For those of you who criticize teachers for the salaries and time off, well we all made our choices. Again it is not the fault of the teachers you may have chosen low paying jobs for what every the reason, teachers chose their profession knowing the financial gains to be made from higher education and fulfilled their dreams to teach. Perhaps you are over paid and don't want teachers to be in your tax bracket. Bottom line we all made choices and it's not fair to say they are over paid for what they do....don't comment until you walk in their shoes. Don't be so quick to judge other professions from the sidelines. Until you do that job or task yourself I'm sorry to remind you but you really have no business judging! We all want more money we live in the most expensive province! We all want good pensions, like I said don't take your frustrations out on the teachers, you could have made different choices, and had the same benefits in many sectors.Keep focused, let's be known as the province with the best health care and education systems in Canada or the world. We are said to be world class and beautiful, and brag about BC being the best place to live...let's make it so. Because living involves working paying taxes and striving for the best. No I am not a teacher, I work for a municipal police department!
I am from Saskatchewan, and I just got the school schedule for next year. 195 days. That is it. That gives teachers 5.5 months off. What more has to be said for them to realize this is nuts. This is why kids are graduating not knowing basic math and English skills.
Every teacher that I know has a summer job!
Its not fair to government that the teachers are keep asking raised every year !!! You have to think that teachers are paid even there is no school or they are siting in their home.
In response to Alexander Kunkel's comment. Public school teachers don't do it for the money, at all. They do it because they love their job. We shouldn't be telling people who are capable and willing to put up with and help the future of our society "get a better paying job if you want to live a decent lifestyle". Teachers should be getting paid WAY more. Without them none of us would be here. Private school children pay thousands annually to be enrolled. The public school budget across all of BC is 1.4 billion. Which includes wages. There are roughly about 1600 public schools to divide that money through. That's what Christy Clark gives our children. Her credit card bill is $475,000. Not only that but they have given themselves a considerable raise. I believe we can budget enough to help our teachers and children. Public school teachers would not be complaining about their wages if they made what private school teachers made. Public school teachers teach often because they want to be the positive change they wish to see in their community. It's great that some parents can afford to pay thousands to see their children get a top of the line education. However many parents are working 9-5 and barely making enough to survive. They don't have the time or the money to educate their kids the way they'd wish to. I understand you cannot completely comprehend the concept of money or appreciate the value teachers have within a society. However do not type such an ignorant remark towards the same people that taught you how to write, type and spell.
the classes are pretty bad. my teachers all care about my mark, they have worked so hard. they are doing all they can to make sure i pass with as many A's as possible. they have put so much effort into making sure my classes know the material. my bio 11 teacher, well she would sit inside to help me, whether or not it interrupted her time with her child, then my math teacher would go and look at other simpler ways to help those in class who couldnt understand the material, just so they could go home with great marks, and to help them become successful in life. oh yeah my law teacher, he tries to make things easy enough so we all get our work done and so we learn as much as possible. hes prolonged due dates for projects so we can actually pass, but you see the class wouldnt do the work and he cared eough to try ad give us as much class time as possibe to get it done. then theres my geology teacher. he has had to deal with half the class fooling around and not listening to his lessons, they have no respect and half the class would fail tests, so what he did was went and got crosswords to help us study for our vocabulary, and the classes mark went way up, more people passing. i agree with smaller class sizes. more one on one time. im sure marks in every class will improve!
teachers are so stupIde. yur jobs can be done by a computers so stop askIng for more when u should be gettIng less.
I'm a Special Needs teacher. My last check was $887.43, and I'm laid off every year for the summer with no pay. I teach students with very significant challenges, who qualify as a class anywhere from 60,000 to 100,00 in extra funding. Funny thing is not one of them sees the money. It goes to help shore up a crumbling system. My operating budget for books and supplies is less then $500 a year, and for most things I pay out of pocket.
The BCTF is fighting all the time because the system is ready to collapse in many districts. Teachers know full well many of its tactics are archaic and provide little results, but they don't have many other ways of raising the alarm. Social media will be one of the best tools we have to create awareness for the general public.
I'm a Special Needs teacher. My last check was $887.43, and I'm laid off every year for the summer with no pay. I teach students with very significant challenges, who qualify as a class anywhere from 60,000 to 100,00 in extra funding. Funny thing is not one of them sees the money. It goes to help shore up a crumbling system. My operating budget for books and supplies is less then $500 a year, and for most things I pay out of pocket.
The BCTF is fighting all the time because the system is ready to collapse in many districts. Teachers know full well many of its tactics are archaic and provide little results, but they don't have many other ways of raising the alarm. Social media will be one of the best tools we have to create awareness for the general public.
I used to be a student at Delview secondary school, There is no need for teachers to go on strike... This is all about the money for not doing anything. And now they are trying to get money for helping kids through bullying... and they say it isn't about the money... Well it technically is because you wouldn't be asking for money for something you have chosen to do. I am thankful for switching to a private school because teachers don't complain and they actually want to teach unlike public school teachers who just want to get paid and not teach the class... I know this from first hand experience, the public school teachers don't want to there job and they want to get paid more for doing very little... If they want more money they should get a different job...
Teachers are the second biggest influence in our children s lives. We want people worthy of that responsibility
to care for and educate them. We all need to appreciate what they do for us, as families and communities. I also think that a demanding job requires the tools to do that job with. You don't send a fireman to a fire with only one guy and no truck just a pail. Teachers are not asking for something that is not an absolute necessity. We expect a lot from them and they should be given the tools to do the job. I understand that it may be difficult to come up with the money now, but for every child that is shorted the cost is much greater. This is a price tag that saves money in the long run.
this is a whole lot if bs, the teachers union deserves a little more respect then they are being given. i watch my wife spend countless hours of her own time building fun and creative learning tools and educational games to try and captivate the minds and spark the interest of her classes. i have had to help her at times with money to be able to do so because with massive student loans, unions dues and the lack of inflation adjustment for the past ten years everything that she needs to do her job keeps getting more expensive but she dose not get paid any more or get an allowance for the extra above and beyond work she does. with everything that is happening, the names and crude gestures she deals with just for wanting to shape young minds, she will still continue to go above and beyond and strive to cast wonder, interest and hope into the future leaders of this beautiful and unique province we live in. i never really knew, never really felt how she does towards teaching until i witnessed one of her kids, with what most would say no future, no skills, no chance for a better life filled with confusion, pain and hate hold up his Dogwood, shed a tear and thank my wife for being the reason he saw it through. i don't know about you but i still believe that if a child can dream it they can do it, no matter how much money you make. Please support the teachers union and the public school system. Don't let my daughter grow up in a future without hope.
Its not bs the teacher only do this at the end of the year because they have the most power by not letting kids pass And they say that they do it for the kids Nope they do it for them selfs...
I have never read so much b.s. in all my life! B.C. teachers are fighting against a government whose end goal is to have a two tier education system. The BC Liberals want to break the union and have control over the education system. Then they can re-jig the curriculum to empasize resources and churn out employees for the oil and gas sector. The government has lost 2 major court cases and are wasting tax dollars by hiring big-shot corporate lawyers to help them. It is scary that the author of this piece of tripe does not see the big picture of what is really going on. The teachers' union deserves a lot more respect. They are fighting for one of the cornerstones of democracy - public education.