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Do you believe we should appoint a new skipper next season and if so who should it be:

Total Votes: 1,203

  • Joshua - 10 years ago

    Why wasn't noble captain he used to be, what happened? Noble should be for England he is a engine who puts heart a soul into it

  • Islington_85 - 10 years ago

    West ham through and through noble, gives 100% every game. I watched England last night and thats what they are missing, a player like noble sweeping in front the back 4 covering big parts of the pitch. Tomkins i think is better then smalling and jones as well. A shame these two got overlooked cause they where 2 of a few who really played with there heart on there sleeve. Morrison in for Nolan, with Zarate and Carroll in a 4-3-3!!! Come on you irons!!!

  • DG Hammer 34 - 10 years ago

    I agree with Mark Noble being captain.
    If and its a big if we are to play attacking football then Nolan shouldn't be in the team as he can't put 2 passes together.
    Reid is a good shout but the way we are being linked with central defenders suggests he will be sold.

  • ZR - 10 years ago

    I think it's hard to deny Nolan the captaincy, he's a leader and he'll be playing that role whether he has the title or not. He should be more of a club captain with less playing time, like vermalen for arsenal last year, and Noble/Reid wearing the band on the pitch.

  • Crooksy Hammer - 10 years ago

    Mark Noble all day long. Kevin Nolan shouldn't be in the team, let alone wearing the band!!

  • Kiwi hammer - 10 years ago

    Yep agree with you both .... Reid should be skipper and given a 5 year deal

  • CB - 10 years ago

    Have to agree with Toddie there seems ridiculous. Adrain and Carroll shouldn't even be on the list i can only assume this is deliberate so the vast majority go for Noble

  • Toddie - 10 years ago

    How there is no option for Reid when there is for Adrian and Carroll to be captain is beyond me!

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