I think there on the right track,to helping the kids. I also think you should have to have drug screening. to get on foodstamps or other programs. being I am helping pay for them.why would I wont to help,people who spend there money on drugs and mine to by food.
I think it's ok if the product is totally banned because it contains also substances that can be harmful to kids and even adult.
teresa - 11 years ago
it think if you want to drink soda they going to do it . drinking drinks is like your smokes you are not going to stop them I think if they want one then yes they should be able to get one ...and that is what living in American is about freedom which some people have forgot . and this thing about obes.... that just bull when you take away freedom you take away everything . I know I am not just talking about soda but it part of it...Its just pees me off because of the lunches the kids get at school is terriable when you got kids coming home starving because they don't get enough to eat or the food is not good ..you tell me why kids are stealing food out of stores and going outside to eat it is just ridiculous. and this is American the land of freedom that's bull too. and back to the soda s ..I am a soda drinker and I don't get stamps BUT DONT MESS WITH MY SODA .....AND YES I THINK THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET THEM ON STAMP THAT MAYBE THERE ONLY WAY OF GETTING THEM SO STOP THIS BULL CRAP ABOUT STOPPING THEM ...PLEASE I AM ALMOST FIFTY YOU JUST NEED TO STOP
linda love - 11 years ago
no I do not think they be able to soda with food stamps, and while I am at it they should not be able to buy candy either!! It should be only meats and vegetables. Food that has nutritional value,not junk food!!
Charley - 11 years ago
I think that if the parents are doing their job then the kid would not be taking advantage of the excess amount of soda drinking. Everyone should not be punished for the carelessness of a few absent minded individuals. I also believe that if they take action on this ban, they are singling out the lower class. which in my eyes and i'm sure many others, is very close minded and unfair.
Jennifer - 11 years ago
This is suppose to be the land of the free and they take way our rights to chose what we want to drink when there is other problem like Nation Debt and Murder! This is still the land of the free! You cannot work when people will not hire you because their scare of your mental health disorder! Too Everyone complaining where your money is being spent look no further than your president and Obama Care! What About freedom that has been fought for GENERATIONS! do all of our right taken away! If they ban Soda they could ban beer, whiskey, and other alcohol drinks!
Tracy - 11 years ago
People that claim to need food assistance should not be buying anything but black and white label prouducts. .generic. They need to bring back the classes that the government use to have for those getting stamps so that they can use them appropriately. And by the way.... These people getting them are still able to sell them. Smh
Amanda - 11 years ago
Somebody didn't read the previous comment before getting their feathers ruffled....
Tonya - 11 years ago
Well I work everyday and I get foodstamp assist so its not YOUR money that funding me.
derek - 11 years ago
since your spending my money, i should tell you what you can and cant buy.
maybe the youll have an incentive to WORK (and before i get hammered yes i know people want to work and blah blah blah but im talking about the people on welfare for GENERATIONS)
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I think there on the right track,to helping the kids. I also think you should have to have drug screening. to get on foodstamps or other programs. being I am helping pay for them.why would I wont to help,people who spend there money on drugs and mine to by food.
I think it's ok if the product is totally banned because it contains also substances that can be harmful to kids and even adult.
it think if you want to drink soda they going to do it . drinking drinks is like your smokes you are not going to stop them I think if they want one then yes they should be able to get one ...and that is what living in American is about freedom which some people have forgot . and this thing about obes.... that just bull when you take away freedom you take away everything . I know I am not just talking about soda but it part of it...Its just pees me off because of the lunches the kids get at school is terriable when you got kids coming home starving because they don't get enough to eat or the food is not good ..you tell me why kids are stealing food out of stores and going outside to eat it is just ridiculous. and this is American the land of freedom that's bull too. and back to the soda s ..I am a soda drinker and I don't get stamps BUT DONT MESS WITH MY SODA .....AND YES I THINK THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET THEM ON STAMP THAT MAYBE THERE ONLY WAY OF GETTING THEM SO STOP THIS BULL CRAP ABOUT STOPPING THEM ...PLEASE I AM ALMOST FIFTY YOU JUST NEED TO STOP
no I do not think they be able to soda with food stamps, and while I am at it they should not be able to buy candy either!! It should be only meats and vegetables. Food that has nutritional value,not junk food!!
I think that if the parents are doing their job then the kid would not be taking advantage of the excess amount of soda drinking. Everyone should not be punished for the carelessness of a few absent minded individuals. I also believe that if they take action on this ban, they are singling out the lower class. which in my eyes and i'm sure many others, is very close minded and unfair.
This is suppose to be the land of the free and they take way our rights to chose what we want to drink when there is other problem like Nation Debt and Murder! This is still the land of the free! You cannot work when people will not hire you because their scare of your mental health disorder! Too Everyone complaining where your money is being spent look no further than your president and Obama Care! What About freedom that has been fought for GENERATIONS! do all of our right taken away! If they ban Soda they could ban beer, whiskey, and other alcohol drinks!
People that claim to need food assistance should not be buying anything but black and white label prouducts. .generic. They need to bring back the classes that the government use to have for those getting stamps so that they can use them appropriately. And by the way.... These people getting them are still able to sell them. Smh
Somebody didn't read the previous comment before getting their feathers ruffled....
Well I work everyday and I get foodstamp assist so its not YOUR money that funding me.
since your spending my money, i should tell you what you can and cant buy.
maybe the youll have an incentive to WORK (and before i get hammered yes i know people want to work and blah blah blah but im talking about the people on welfare for GENERATIONS)