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Where do you stand on OOIDA's call for Anne Ferro's resignation from her post as head of the FMCSA? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,708

  • will - 11 years ago

    roy, im sorry to say it but she has done ride alongs. she went on a overnite with the head of ooida. it didnt change anything. yes we got what we asked for to some extent but she just went way out of seems as if she has some sort of vendetta to fullfill.

  • Henry Albert - 11 years ago

    Well put Roy Bittner . So far Anne Ferro is only guilty of spending time to listen to the drivers of this industry . Just look at the last round of HOS changes in which none of the lobbing groups got anything they were pushing for . All of the changes came from the comments drivers made during the listening sessions . As I listened to these sessions I said to others we need to be careful what we ask for because we just might get it .

  • Roy Bittner - 11 years ago

    We always seem to want to throw someone out. Why don't we work closer with her let her meet some real trucker's not companies. Who can sit down with her explain to her and maybe even see if she would like to ride along. Everyone is so quick to throw someone out who may have been misinformed and convinced her of their research. We throw her out and pardon the expression but it's a crapshoot who comes next. For better or worse sometimes you need to talk it out. Let's face it call it what it is you all want her resignation because we are losing money. I know that but we should work with her first show her some real research and come to a more informed dicission. I see things out here all across the country everyday that leads to unsafe operations out here and none of them can be fixed by the change that was made to the hour's of service rule. change it back and then we should work together on what will make a difference.

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