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Should The Federal Tax On Gasoline Be Raised, As Senator Chris Murphy Proposes?


  • BoonDannell Malloy - 10 years ago

    YES! I need the money for my political cronies. Roads, schmoads! We can fix those after all my supporters get their payback, by raising taxes AGAIN, or making future generations pay by ignoring GAAP accounting rules.

  • carrie - 10 years ago

    Leave it to Murphy. He is such an incompetent, typical politician. He has no right being in any office, right along with Blumenthal. What is wrong with people that vote these jokes into office?

  • Charlie Peters - 10 years ago

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) collects $billions$ using “Wallet Flushing” car tax. Is it time for CA AG Kamala Harris EPA GMO ethanol fuel waiver conversation?

    Did Governor Brown choose a CA/DCA/BAR Chief who can find out if what is broken on a PZEV Smog Check failed car gets fixed? A Smog Check secret shopper audit would cut toxic car fleet impact 1500 tons per day while reducing cost by $billions.

    Dr. Stan’s California water & fuel supply opinion

  • frank - 10 years ago

    Senator Murphy needs to get a grip! For us working stiffs the fuel taxes are right there with the money already confiscated from our paychecks every week. Not to mention the property taxes we get levied on us. I really can't think of anything that they don't tax! Maybe a survey should be done to find out how much of the fuel tax collected now is actually being used for roads and bridges Mr. Murphy!

  • John - 10 years ago

    They never ever EVER use the extra tax revenue for what was promised... don't give these sleaze balls one cent extra revenue... they need to start operating within their means just like the rest of us. This new tax needs to be defeated resoundingly.

  • carlb - 10 years ago

    yeah lets give more right. that little line has been every time they want to raise the taxes and right now it almost a 1 a gallon. whats worse is it's going to higher when this carbon tax obama did illegally with no input from congress is going to really going to empty your wallets more than it already has!

  • GRIZZ MAN - 10 years ago

    Why don't they post the taxes separate of the gas price? If we knew that the Government made, for an item they did not produce or refine, we would revolt.

  • Steelers2103 - 10 years ago

    Why only two answers? How about - 3) No, don't raise taxes and ONLY spend those current revenues on roads!!!

  • Den - 10 years ago

    What I don't understand is who are the people who voted for more taxes? They are either Union people who will get the toll takers jobs or people already living off the hand outs from "Santa Obama". People were warned when Murphy was running for congress the first time that he would be a Tax and spend liberal, which he denied at the time. Keep drinking that Kool Aid Connecticut voters and soon our whole paycheck will be going to the Government.

  • Kaz - 10 years ago

    The comments so far can't be said any better. Everyone I know feel the same way. If the local and state government stick with a budget and divy up the money where it's supposed to go, we would not be in this mess. Less government equals more freedom and more money in our pockets, not the politicians and special interests pockets. I don't trust the local and especially the federal government on anything. We must elect new people that are common people to have a voice in this corrupt system. I say no new taxes, no more fees, no more revenue increases of any kind!

  • Maureen - 10 years ago

    Absolutely not! They said there was a survey done and the people agreed ... who did the survey? and where? They could not have possibly done it here in Connecticut. Yes the roads and bridges are in need of repair .. why? because the tax money that they are already getting from us "for road and bridge repair" is being funneled into other accounts! The news also reported that AAA is on board with this ... well I am a AAA a member and was never surveyed ... and would never agree to this ... sounds like maybe AAA is getting some kind of kick back for agreeing with this tax. I am just really tired of hearing that taxing us is the solution.

  • JB - 10 years ago

    Do not give the government, on any level, more money - it never goes where they say it will. It will just be wasted on things like "bus lanes to nowhere."

  • missy - 10 years ago

    no way the gas tax is high enough in this state and you raise it on the federal level forget it. They will spend it on everything but what they are supposed to spend it on.

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