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Do you carry firearms in public places other than gun ranges and while hunting?

Total Votes: 1,989

  • Sara Lou - 10 years ago

    I come from a country that has some of the strictest gun laws in the world (England), believe me, not allowing citizens to own/carry guns does NOT prevent violent crime. I open and conceal carry, and feel a lot safer having the ability to defend myself, than relying on someone else to protect me who can't be there when I really need them.

  • hearsafe - 10 years ago

    There is a time and place for both types of carry. Only open carry is protected as a civil right in Alabama however.

  • Dwight - 10 years ago

    I have a God given obligation to protect my family...I want the best tools for the job and I want to be ready for that, I carry.

  • Brandon Johnson - 10 years ago

    I do not go anywhere without a weapon on me, if a place does not allow weapons, I simply don't go in, unless I have to. I used to work at a place that did not allow any kind of weapon, however I wasn't going to go to work everyday without one. I was fired, but the whole time I was trying to explain that they should want their employees armed. It was a call center for a Satilite TV provider, someone who is angry with them won't see your no weapons sign, and if they do all they will think is look no one can stop me. There are only so many police in one area, we as citizens need to police ourselves. We can be there to react if someone decides to rob, kidnap, or kill someone. The police take time to respond, and anyone that has been in an emergency situation will tell you that they would rather have someone right there right then.

    However, carrying a pistol comes with great responsibility, you cannot let your feelings or emotions get the best of you. You cannot have the attitude that I'm carrying a weapon, and look for places to use it. Not counting service overseas, I have carried a weapon for eight years, and I have never had to use it. I hope I never have to, but I will be ready when I do.

  • Robert Bailey - 10 years ago

    I can't carry a Cop .

  • Phil mcgroin - 10 years ago

    I carry every where I many stupid people in this world. .I especially carry in places with no weapons signs because everyone except Democrats know that signs do not keep criminals out of those areas

  • John - 10 years ago

    Your poll is skewed. I carry both open and concealed depending on the situation. one should hope for the best but prepare for the worst. What has driven this whole discussion is Open Carry Texas and Mike Bloombergs shill Shannon Watts. In Texas they don't have open carry of handguns, the firearm must be concealed. The people want open carry. When I open carry, most folks don't even notice, and I been open carrying over five years. Bloombergs money is paying for all the high profile reporting of shootings we are seeing lately on the national news. Several months back there was hardly a word about it. Now Bloomberg has decided he wants to make gun control a priority, so he's spending 50 million on it. Because he owns so much of the media, they bow to his whims and are running all they can on shootings, gun carry and gun control. Most never gave it a lot of thought before, most won't now, because gun control ain't the problem, open carry ain't the problem, the lunatic fringe is.

  • Anthony Stallings - 10 years ago

    Alabama is an open carry state so I chose how I carry depending on the situation. I am always armed and properly trained to protect myself and others.

  • Jess - 10 years ago

    I voted concealed carry. I'm not going to be unable to defend myself in a given situation. Either way, I'm legally armed.

  • Dave - 10 years ago

    I carry concealed, or concealed in my vehicle. I am not doing it for show or to make any statement, I just want to be prepared to defend my life or the lives of others.

  • Wil Freeman - 10 years ago

    The voting options arent really fair. I voted open carry, but I conceal carry a sidearm too. It all depends on circumstances of where I will be going, and/or who will be with me. Either way I'm legally armed.

  • Chris - 10 years ago

    Everywhere I can I carry crazy people are everywhere. Hope the only thing I ever shoot is a paper target.

  • Paul Trammell - 10 years ago

    Although I voted open carry, I do both and I agree with Lisa Mayfield, I will not be unarmed anywhere.

  • Lisa Mayfield - 10 years ago

    I both open carry and conceal carry depending on the situation. I'm not going to be unprotected anywhere.

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