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The City of Cle Elum continues to pursue options for establishing an electric Public Utility District. What do you think the City Council should do?


  • Larry - 10 years ago

    Whenever the government becomes involved in private enterprise the people end up paying more.

  • steve - 10 years ago

    If the City takes over, next thing that will happen is election of an unqualified board of commissioners, supplementing the retirement of people that have no business running an electrical utility. Much like Kittitas water district #5, who's commissioners have bankrupted that utility, because they don't know what they are doing. Seems like it always starts with a $100,000 study.

  • Jerri Pardini - 10 years ago

    Have you people taken leave of your senses? We already pay over $100 month to the city for water/sewer/garbage. What makes you believe the city could install and maintain a reliable electric utility at a more reasonable cost to consumers? When our streets and sidewalks are repaired and maintained better than they are, I might be persuaded to at least hear your plan. Until then, don't be ridiculous!

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