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What mark would you give Kevin Lowe's reign of the Edmonton Oilers

Total Votes: 4,619

  • Pissed my pants - 10 years ago

    These results are the funniest I have ever read. Shame on yourself edm journal. Kevin Lowe has the worst winning percentage of any manager in hockey. There should not be one "true result" higher than d. His ineptitude is well known and published. I was told that Katz has hired many public relation reps to troll the sites and post comments to try and raise hie terrible public image. This is the proof. I now have even less respect for the clowns involved.

  • WinningIsntEasy - 10 years ago

    Lowe knows a thing or two about winning. We need winners on this team. I've no doubt Lowe will be able to build another dynasty around our superstar players - just wait until they hit their prime. It really is simple math, Oilers WILL get better over time. Keep the core and don't make any bold, stupid moves.

    If we suck next year, then drafting one of McDavid or Eichel will be a great consolation prize and certainly push this team over the top. Within 3 or 4 years this team will be contending for the Western Conference with the Kings and Blackhawks. Short term pain for long term gain, people.

  • Dirk Diggler - 10 years ago

    Kevin Lowe knows a thing or two about winning. I think we need lock him up with a 10 year deal.

  • Oiler4ever - 10 years ago

    Finally the silent are silent no more!!! Kevin Lowe we are behind you!!! The media may only report the negative fan comments but you can't hide the truth when it's put to a vote.

    The real villain is Hall. I've never seen such a negative influence on a locker room. He needs to be the one leaving. Craig make this bold move before his selfish conceited attitude rubs off on any more players.

    When a person needs a heart transplant you don't cut off the head.

  • Rudy - 10 years ago

    Well, since kevin has been involved with the oilers as management,they have gone down continuously ,down the standing,out of playoffs, down in any pro-veteran hockey player wanting to come and play in Edmonton,. When he disrespects his player by doing what he did to guys like sheldon souray, and we know player talk, then no one will want to come to Edmonton and be minimized and disrespected, so he has done this to the organization and no one. So...Edmonton,new building,maybe time for new management.

  • dinosaursmustdie - 10 years ago

    very obvious this poll has been "boosted". for shame Edmonton journal. I suspected you of being katz-cultists but now, I am severing ties with you. shame on you Edmonton journal, you will never be read or purchased by me again.

  • Bruce - 10 years ago

    35 percent give Kevin Lowe an A+. That's a joke. It also tells me that either Kevin Lowe has a lot of friends paid or not that filled out the poll or Darrell Katz isn't the dumbest hockey person in Edmonton he is just in the 35 percent group.

  • I. Tellum - 10 years ago

    Lowe has done everything he could. He has tried very hard. So hard he has lost all his hair. If that isn't trying hard, I don't know what is. A+

  • nick b - 10 years ago

    No team has been even close to how terrible the oilers have been since 06
    How can he get anything but an F
    Or is there an F-?

  • RexHolez - 10 years ago

    Is this a real question? Worst team in the league for a decade. One of the worst teams in all of pro sports! Yup, he's doing a wonderful job!

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