Will you spend an extra $100 for the 5.5-inch iPhone 6?


  • Steph - 11 years ago

    I agree with Jonathan, paying $100 more for 32GB is insane and something I am already not happy about. If Apple dare ask me to pay another $100 for a bigger screen, THERE WILL BE PROBLEMS lol. Bring down the price for more memory to $50 like Samsung and every other manufacturer. Stop robbing us Apple!!!!

  • Michael - 11 years ago

    Of course Apple fans will pay more. They're sheep. Granted the jump to 64 bit was a good thing despite what people uneducated about such things think but overall they are behind the times. Resolution does make a difference but "retina" is supposedly good enough. NFC is very useful and is used in a lot of things from Bluetooth to bus passes. There are a myriad of things besides these too that they are behind on. No fragmentation is a good thing also but it's not that much of a problem on like everyone makes it out to be anyways. The only Android phones that really are behind the times as far as os updates are low end on small carriers anyways. Also just fyi I'm not a Samsung fan boy either. I own an HTC One M8 and an LG G2. It's just amazing to me how everyone follows the herd.

  • LW - 11 years ago

    I want APPLE, don't care what it costs. I want the best, period.

  • Larry Leeth - 11 years ago

    Just seems like another way for IPhone to get your money. I"ll buy buy a android or windows phone first, if they do this.

  • bs - 11 years ago

    Heck no

  • Jonathan - 11 years ago

    That is nuts. I already pay an extra $100.00 for the 32GB no way am I paying an addition $100.00 for a bigger phone also.

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