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Do you support raising the gas tax by 12 cents nationally to pay for highway and transit programs?

Total Votes: 106
1 Comment

  • Kate - 10 years ago

    If the government wants to save some money, they can start with no longer sending money to countries that do not want any part of the USA except for the money.
    Next they can cut subsidies to railroads, oil companies and tobacco farmers.
    Cut the budget of the BLM- if they can afford helicopters to round up horses, they obviously have to much in their budget. On that line - raise the grazing fees on public land to what the private landowner charges and cut the lease to a five year period. If you can't afford your own land to graze your cattle or sheep on, the American taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for you to graze on their land! Collect the money owed - at least a million from Bundy!
    These elected politicians that are "representatives of the people" are all millionaires, they should work for free with no benefits of any kind. After all, that is what their "job" started out being. They are the ones that voted themselves a wage, all the raises and all those "perks"!
    All kinds of ways to cut the budget with forcing the taxpayer to ante up, again and again!

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