common sense: Biology lesseon -- men can't have babies. My husband was a stay at home Dad -- we split the stay at home part half in half because that's what worked for us. All this instant jumping to "sexist" puts pressure on young mothers to get back out there. I often find stay at home moms apologizing or explaing themselves. Why not recognize what they're doing is appreciated. As I said, I don't think the comment's were "meant" to be sexist. Of course it's fun to attack politicians -- they do make it easy for us. Why are women politicians demanding apoligies "on behalf of all women"? I'm a woman and I didn't ask them to speak on my behalf. I have two children, one of each, both now young adults and very well adjusted -- plus a successful career -- so no, I'm not ashamed of myself, in fact, I'm a very proud parent. But if I was doing it all over again, I'd have stayed at home a little longer.
Gloria Jaocb - 11 years ago
Peter MacKay belongs to the old boys club. He believes that men are superior to women and he preaches it from his public servant throne. Women are the care givers and the mind shapers as well. Not to many men could do what women do. Peter Mackay needs to refrain from making sexiest remarks about women . Their are a lot more men who are caregivers as well. Get with the times Mr. MacKay . Men and Women both play duel roles today taking care of their families and also working full time. It's sexist opinions like Mr. Mackay which make men treat women so poorly. I feel sorry for his wife I can imagine how he treats her. just a mindless bimbo who can change diapers. Shame on you Mr. Mackay. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr. Mackay get with the times.
Tim A - 11 years ago
Peter McKay just cost the Conservative Party of Canada about 200,000 votes. he is entitled to have his opinions, but if those are his opinions, I don't want him in the government.
Maureen Smith - 11 years ago
I CHOSE to be a stay at home mother, but did have a teacher's certificate and occasionally substituted. I was insulted by the people who assumed I WASN'T qualified because if I was I would be working fulltime! It was insinuated that the only women who stayed home and looked after home and children were incapable of having a decent job! I looked after the finances too to the degree we have a great retirement life, based on one income! So I would have thanked a man like Peter who appreciated what I did in the home.
Jan Stanfield - 11 years ago
A single parent does all that and more, he just hasn't had the privilege of being one. So his comments are those he can relate to.
common sense - 11 years ago
J lane Why do young women have to have babies?Why can they not have careers and good jobs like men are they less of a women in you mind if they don't spit out 2 or 3 kids? Mackay's and your comments are sexist and offensive to every god dam parent who wants to raise their girl to more then a baby factory please go back to 1950 and take Peter Mackay with you because that is where you both belong!While you at it don't forget to take Howdy Doody Harper along for the ride.If you are a woman you should be ashamed of yourself for pushing your traditional family bullshit and holding back every women that wants that same pay and respect as a man because it is what they deserve.BTW i am a man!
Lyam - 11 years ago
It's amazing how people forget that sexism is discrimination and/or prejudice against a particular gender. This must have been a slow week for the media...
M. Watson - 11 years ago
My husband and I raised our 2 children, born in the early 1990's TOGETHER. From diapers to homework, we shared the dirty work and were both involved in molding their minds to become the responsible and independent adults they are today. My husband was proud to be such a hands on Dad...Mr. McKay its 2014... Get with the times!
A McBeth - 11 years ago
Every thing that Mr. MacKay mentioned was a true reflection of many, not all, of the tasks and functions of parents. Do Canadians think that Mothers do NOT change diapers, pack lunches, care for relatives AND maintain important employment in the Federal Department of Justice? Just what kind of message do naysayers think should be sent on Mothers Day--something that demeans the daily tasks involved in "mothering", in favour of some unrealistic intellectual, life-coach, mentoring model? Do they think that the importance of being a present and positive role-model as a Father is insignificant in the development of self esteem in children? The criticisms about "sexism" are clearly politically driven, and are pounced upon, if not outright introduced, by media personalities who, clearly, would prefer a government that made a media career more financially rewarding and secure than they have experienced under the fiscal oversight of the Conservative government. Media wants to demonstrate its power to influence public voting behaviour by distorting the significance of these simple messages, so that political parties will fear media influence over "right thinking" and then cater to media demands. This is NOT the function of the "fifth estate" in our political system, but it has increasingly become its obsession. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty", and the Canadian public needs to demand a much, MUCH, higher standard of integrity from the media, and hold it to the reporting of FACTUAL material, NOT personal opinion presented as fact. If we do not, we are in danger of government cowering before media demagoguery.
J Lane - 11 years ago
I don't think Peter's comments were meant to be sexist in an offensive manner. Why is it so wrong to recognize women for who we are -- we have to have the babies -- it's a privilege. In today's world we get to have the babies and run the companies too!! We need to stop putting pressure on young women to make them think they have to do it all.
common sense: Biology lesseon -- men can't have babies. My husband was a stay at home Dad -- we split the stay at home part half in half because that's what worked for us. All this instant jumping to "sexist" puts pressure on young mothers to get back out there. I often find stay at home moms apologizing or explaing themselves. Why not recognize what they're doing is appreciated. As I said, I don't think the comment's were "meant" to be sexist. Of course it's fun to attack politicians -- they do make it easy for us. Why are women politicians demanding apoligies "on behalf of all women"? I'm a woman and I didn't ask them to speak on my behalf. I have two children, one of each, both now young adults and very well adjusted -- plus a successful career -- so no, I'm not ashamed of myself, in fact, I'm a very proud parent. But if I was doing it all over again, I'd have stayed at home a little longer.
Peter MacKay belongs to the old boys club. He believes that men are superior to women and he preaches it from his public servant throne. Women are the care givers and the mind shapers as well. Not to many men could do what women do. Peter Mackay needs to refrain from making sexiest remarks about women . Their are a lot more men who are caregivers as well. Get with the times Mr. MacKay . Men and Women both play duel roles today taking care of their families and also working full time. It's sexist opinions like Mr. Mackay which make men treat women so poorly. I feel sorry for his wife I can imagine how he treats her. just a mindless bimbo who can change diapers. Shame on you Mr. Mackay. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr. Mackay get with the times.
Peter McKay just cost the Conservative Party of Canada about 200,000 votes. he is entitled to have his opinions, but if those are his opinions, I don't want him in the government.
I CHOSE to be a stay at home mother, but did have a teacher's certificate and occasionally substituted. I was insulted by the people who assumed I WASN'T qualified because if I was I would be working fulltime! It was insinuated that the only women who stayed home and looked after home and children were incapable of having a decent job! I looked after the finances too to the degree we have a great retirement life, based on one income! So I would have thanked a man like Peter who appreciated what I did in the home.
A single parent does all that and more, he just hasn't had the privilege of being one. So his comments are those he can relate to.
J lane Why do young women have to have babies?Why can they not have careers and good jobs like men are they less of a women in you mind if they don't spit out 2 or 3 kids? Mackay's and your comments are sexist and offensive to every god dam parent who wants to raise their girl to more then a baby factory please go back to 1950 and take Peter Mackay with you because that is where you both belong!While you at it don't forget to take Howdy Doody Harper along for the ride.If you are a woman you should be ashamed of yourself for pushing your traditional family bullshit and holding back every women that wants that same pay and respect as a man because it is what they deserve.BTW i am a man!
It's amazing how people forget that sexism is discrimination and/or prejudice against a particular gender. This must have been a slow week for the media...
My husband and I raised our 2 children, born in the early 1990's TOGETHER. From diapers to homework, we shared the dirty work and were both involved in molding their minds to become the responsible and independent adults they are today. My husband was proud to be such a hands on Dad...Mr. McKay its 2014... Get with the times!
Every thing that Mr. MacKay mentioned was a true reflection of many, not all, of the tasks and functions of parents. Do Canadians think that Mothers do NOT change diapers, pack lunches, care for relatives AND maintain important employment in the Federal Department of Justice? Just what kind of message do naysayers think should be sent on Mothers Day--something that demeans the daily tasks involved in "mothering", in favour of some unrealistic intellectual, life-coach, mentoring model? Do they think that the importance of being a present and positive role-model as a Father is insignificant in the development of self esteem in children? The criticisms about "sexism" are clearly politically driven, and are pounced upon, if not outright introduced, by media personalities who, clearly, would prefer a government that made a media career more financially rewarding and secure than they have experienced under the fiscal oversight of the Conservative government. Media wants to demonstrate its power to influence public voting behaviour by distorting the significance of these simple messages, so that political parties will fear media influence over "right thinking" and then cater to media demands. This is NOT the function of the "fifth estate" in our political system, but it has increasingly become its obsession. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty", and the Canadian public needs to demand a much, MUCH, higher standard of integrity from the media, and hold it to the reporting of FACTUAL material, NOT personal opinion presented as fact. If we do not, we are in danger of government cowering before media demagoguery.
I don't think Peter's comments were meant to be sexist in an offensive manner. Why is it so wrong to recognize women for who we are -- we have to have the babies -- it's a privilege. In today's world we get to have the babies and run the companies too!! We need to stop putting pressure on young women to make them think they have to do it all.