Has The Current Flood Of Immigrants From Central America Been Pre-Arranged By The Administration?


  • Lazybum - 10 years ago

    This planned incursion is designed to wreak havoc in the US and increase the "blue" voters in the border states. Pamphlets, barely reported, have been identified outlining the narrative for the undocumented democrats to follow.

    I am amazed that in a blue state like CT only 13% in the poll are naive enough to believe it is a coincidence.

  • Ted Lifot - 10 years ago

    This is what a 'community organizer' does and we can 'thank' the morons that elected him twice!!!!

  • Conga Radool - 10 years ago

    The Hussein administration orchestrated this migrant invasion to force the implementation of full amnesty. Barry and his goons are criminal law-breakers who have been aiding and abetting illegal aliens crossing our borders.

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    They are escaping from SUPER gun controlled countries. Now, the Democrats want to abolish the Constitution... Think about all the cartels and gangs moving in knowing NOBODY is armed. It is going to be a gangsters' paradise.

  • John - 10 years ago

    This administration and congress need to be seen as an enemy combatant taking aim at the middle class. Our government's policies only make sense if we consider the possibility that they are deliberately trying to create a collapse by burdening the system... which they weren't able to do with entitlement seeking unemployed and underemployed. With Obamacare getting challenged in the courts and the job situation settling somewhat the southern border becomes the focus with the importing of immigrants- without any security screening (while we keep getting treated like convicts at airports).

    Of course the surge was deliberately arranged for. In addition to overwhelming the system, it theoretically solidifies the Hispanic voter base for Progressives (Democrats and fake Republicans) to continue their assault..

    The worst criminals aren't migrating north, they are in Washington, D.C..

  • frank - 10 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that the new wave of immigrants was expected and planned for. What we are seeing is the unintended consiquences of Obama's flawed policies on border security and his never ending growth of "The entitlement Society". As seen in news reports last year from Detroit, these new people flocking to our country are here for some of Obama's Stash! Free food and housing, and lets not forget the greatest freebie of all, an "OBAMA PHONE"!

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