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Do you think this was a suitable punishment?

Total Votes: 1,224

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    Everyone has only heard what the mother has said. If someone hit your child like the mother claimed. Then wouldn't you call the manager or police
    Straight away? Rather than go home
    and post it 2 hours later to Facebook?! Unless u hear both sides of the story why judge? If the police don't feel the need to press charges.. (And let's
    Be honest, the police don't need the parent to press charges when it comes to children) then why should she lose her job for trying to help a mother who should try having more control of her children! If it is on CCTV then I'm sure the police would have taken it further. If it's not on CCTV it's one persons word against the other! MaĆ·be that's a call to have more CCTV to not only
    Protect the public.. But also the staff themselves!!

    The only reason they would sack this operator is because it has brought bad press!

    Maybe the mother in future should deal with situations more maturely than 'running to the teacher' aka Facebook!

  • captain pip - 10 years ago

    I would hate to be before a jury made up of you lot, assess the evidence from both sides, only then can you make judgement.

  • Mrs Doubtfire - 10 years ago

    The Story published is all one sided and from the Mother of the child's side.
    The child was out of control at the end of the cashiers desk, throwing plastic bags and other things all over the floor. The mother was stood there completely unconcerned to what her child was doing. The cashier got up out the seat and gently guided the child away from the mess he had just caused and said you're mother will cross with you. The cashier tidied up after the child and continued to serve the mother and the mother left with child and never said a word. Who's prompted her to complain, KANGAROO COURT BRITAIN!

  • Jean - 10 years ago

    This is not an accurate account of what happened and therefore wrong to judge. Customer is happy now she's sold her story, police are happy as there is no evidence to press charges with member of staff. Morrisons however will not be happy until they dismiss the member of staff for the mother going to the papers and causing them bad publicity I reckon.

  • Sarah - 10 years ago

    I want to know he said he gentle tapped the kid in friendly manner did he know the kid or mum it wierd gentle tapping a kid you dont no i mean was there witness or camera i mean if kid was being good why would he touch him but also how long the fella worked there and how many children go into morrisons so i cant see how you look at it

  • Joanne - 10 years ago

    We don't know the full story so wrong to judge .

  • Vicky Jenkins - 10 years ago

    Personally the member of staff shouldn't of even touched the child in the first place. A week of work is not good enough and if this had happend to me with my little girl I wouldn't of been happy with the out come.if anybody ever touched my little I would go mad and demand them to be sacked there and then or I would of tool out in to my own hands,this member d staff had no reason to touch to this child at all, what this world is coming to theses day you have to be careful talking to children let alone smacking them when it's not even there child.

    I think personally the member of staff should get the sack this is classes as an asult weather it was a slap or a pat.shame on the Mangiour who felt with the situation

  • Sam walker - 10 years ago

    If any member of staff or a member of the public out a hand on either one of my sons I would have done the same, plus I probably would have got arrested as I would of hit that person back for touching my child in the first place

  • kayleigh - 10 years ago

    SHE should be fired

  • Jodie GWilliam - 10 years ago

    Should of been fired

  • Natalie - 10 years ago

    Touch my child and see what happens to you.
    They should check the CCTV.. And of confirm, he needs to be fired and charged.
    How dare a stranger hit someone's child.. *Anger level rising*

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