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Pony Elections 2: Which Pony Would You Want as President?

Total Votes: 18,080

  • GIANTSGIANTSGIANTS - 10 years ago

    Capitalism is general is a bad idea, Free Collage Education is essentially the same thing as ObamaCare, having the war budget axed would leave us open to attack although renewable energy would mean we wouldn't have to rely on Oil and Coal as much, Infrastructure Advancement could be useful, bringing the Jobs back here and creating new ones would help counteract the effects of advancements in tech, as for marriages for all it really doesn't change anything--you could get the non-religious equivalent regardless.

    As for leadership skills Applejack would be the best. Twilight in second and with Rarity in third.

    So by my calculations that should come out as:
    1. Applejack (Will help economy through Jobs, can tell when someone is telling the truth)
    2. Fancy Pants (Knows how to play the diplomacy game, is a gentlecolt)
    3. Luna (Has thousands of years of experience, unskilled diplomacy-wise)
    4. Rarity (Will improve Infrastructure in helpful ways, but may lower taxes too much to keep her promise)
    5. Fluttershy (Helps economy by reducing dependency on non-renewable fuel)
    6. Time Turner (Efficient Machines and Tech, may help economy)
    7. Twilight (An OK leader so long as no other better choice is available)
    8. Everypony Else is Terrible

  • Kentrav - 10 years ago

    Luna : Live your dreams

  • Georg - 10 years ago

    Rainbow Dash of course.
    'Merica! Buck, yeah! An awesome president for an awesome country :)

  • Dalek Sec - 10 years ago

    I place my vote for Dr. Hooves- CHANGE, MY DEAR! AND IT SEEMS NOT A MOMENT TOO SOON!

  • Telaros - 10 years ago

    Was going for free college for everyone, but what is the use of all that education if corporations continue to ship the good paying jobs overseas and hiring those outside, bringing them in.

  • Feep of the Night - 10 years ago

    CCCD9 intentionally left Luna off this time, the dweeb.

  • BobblePony - 10 years ago

    Global Free health care and dentistry

  • Myself - 10 years ago

    Vote for Discord! Because his platform has everything;Imperialistic
    Utterly ballistic
    In addition, Discord promises to give low-income families, and in fact all incomne families, free access to food through his `through the powers of chaos, everything in sight is candy!`program
    Vote for Chrysalis!
    Because central control has proven itself so well in the past as a road to socialism*sarcasm*

  • KindaSorta - 10 years ago

    Great poll! Most of the good things (green energy, gay marriage, jobs etc) included in the other options would eventually follow free education, so I'm going with Purple Smart.

  • Evan - 10 years ago

    Looks like we have quite a few college bronies that are strapped for cash!

  • Buy Some CUCUMBER - 10 years ago

    Derpy because muffins.
    And all the political blabber and debates get annoying after a while, regardless of how necessary they may be. It would be hilarious to see Derpy present the State of the Union address. Which gives me an idea for an animation...
    Alternatively, BILLY MAYS AND APPLE BLOOM FOR PRESIDENT. BUY SOME OXY-CLEAN! But wait, there's more! It's apple-scented and costs only $19.95!

  • Pixie Rose - 10 years ago

    I know everyone is arguing that free education would mean less blue collar workers. There are plenty of people that love both learning and manual labor. I know plenty of intelligent (and even some people with degrees) that enjoy working with their hands.

    Twilight may be my least favorite of the mane 6, but she would make a great leader.

  • Gokudomatic - 10 years ago

    Trixie is a uniter, not a divider. she foresees an Equestria under one rule: an iron hooved rule. One pony, one law. Let your neighbors know that dissent will not be tolerated! All hail Trixie.

  • John A - 10 years ago

    I bet they'd just let the illegal immigrants run the place over, what with Twilight being born in Africa...

  • Changelingfan - 10 years ago

    Trixie as a SUPREME DICTATOR? Puh-lease, Queen Chrysalis would make for more an iron-hoofed military dictator than Trixie could ever hope to be. Then again, with Chrysalis, you're bound to get totally asinine laws that pretty much take away all civil rights from ponies and non-changelings in favour of just the changelings.

  • mistertimn - 10 years ago

    Education wouldn't be the only thing that the government should focus on, but I honestly think Twilight would be the only pony who could handle a country. Maybe Applejack, but not for long.

  • Space - 10 years ago

    Where is my Princess of da Night? I wanna absolute monarchy. Bad poll.

  • Joseph Stalin - 10 years ago

    *Sigh* I was gonna vote for dash, but then I saw the word "Capitalism" and that just set me off to the nope train to fuck-this_shitville. Twilight is who I voted for because she would at least incorporate 1 plank of communism and that would be free education.

  • Fuzunga - 10 years ago

    Let's be honest here, Twilight is the only capable leader.

  • kirbyy9 - 10 years ago

    Derpy "Ditzy Doo" Hooves of course free muffins every day

  • Strangeling~ - 10 years ago

    Octavia: Music budgets at all public schools restored!

  • Vegetalss4 - 10 years ago

    I voted for Celestia because a thousand years of prosperous rule speaks for itself, even in the face of character assassination.

  • init3 - 10 years ago

    Are you arguing for free-market Capitalism then? I know the poll option was super vague so I am just curious as to what you think we might need to do to create a more Capitalist, competitive market.

  • Bobby Dole - 10 years ago

    The problem with most of these is that they're terrible ideas for government to do.

    Education, while great, is not the right path for everyone. We need tradesmen, factory workers, civil servants, and tons more. Artists don't usually benefit from a college education as much as they do from having a quality mentor. Learning how to do what you're going to do for the rest of your life is not a one size fits all situation.

    No military is a horrible idea. If you can't protect yourself, there are plenty of wicked people in the world who would love to take advantage of you. It's foolish to assume everyone will play nice simply because you CAN'T fight back.

    And green energy sources, while definitely the right direction to go, would bankrupt any civilization that tried to implement them before they were affordable and efficient. You've got to be practical so that EVERYONE can do it and not just the rich.

    Rarity's and Pinkie Pie's changes do nothing to actually help serve the core needs of the people.

    AJ's and RD's ways are the most helpful, but still really limited and leave out a lot of important stuff.

    The others are, quite literally, jokes. Though, it does bear repeating that Celestia's plan is actually working.

  • Vandroiy - 10 years ago

    Voted Dash just 'cause it says "capitalism and competition" there. It's the most important point on the list; when you have that, everything except defense tends to not only solve itself decently, but continues to evolve. Though a few education vouchers probably help.

    With this wording, the question is not MLP-related. Just turns into political debate. And as usual, it disappoints me how few see the value of capitalism.

  • Yotes - 10 years ago

    I was gonna pick Rarity until I saw Twi's goal and things got serious. Taxes should be going toward axing tuition. Seriously. I hate how degrees have such ridiculous pricetags that are harming the people trying to contribute to society.

  • marley - 10 years ago

    'That government governs best that governs least' -Thomas Jefferson. So I voted for Celestia.

  • Ralfil - 10 years ago

    I'd totally want Twilight. Especially since I know that a lot of people wouldn't take advantage of free college education. I'd be one of the ones who did.

    Also, I find it absolutely hilarious that the Other category has more votes than Rarity.

  • init3 - 10 years ago

    The idea of an honest politician isn't the most appealing thing to most folks on here? Twilight would be unable to stop herself from making unrealistic campaign promises and free college means nothing without jobs for graduates to fill. I support green energy and cutting military spending (I live in the U.S. Our military budget is out of control) and I don't think the implication was Flutters would completely disband the military so for the U.S. at least, I think the idea we would "just get taken over by a dictator" is a bit of a paranoid outlook. Plus, our allies wouldn't disappear overnight. Even with a 50% cut to our military spending would still leave us a budget twice the size of China, the country with the second highest expenditures. However, as much as I hate to say it, It would be devistating to the economy. I hate the military-industrial complex as much as the next tree-hugging liberal but we can't ignore the vital part it plays in our economy for the moment. I am sure in the long run we can reduce it, but in the short-term at least, it needs to stay. I do love Daggaroth's idea of Luna's prison reform (and SPAAAAACE), something desperately needed in our country.
    Still, jobs help with just about all issues mentioned. More jobs means more tax revenue which means (in theory) more money for education, infrastructure, aesthetics, green energy and science/going to space. More jobs help lower poverty, which will lower crime. Capitalism at its best for RD and the marrage thing is just a matter of time anyway. Also, it is hard to afford a wedding "traditional" or not if you are unemployed.
    However, every poni could fill a great role in government. Flutters for Health and Human Services Secretary. RD for Secretary of homeland security. Celestia for Secretary of the State on account of diplomatic experence. Twi for Secretary of Education, Pinkie as rep to the United Nations (unabated optimism and improved international attitudes toward us might do us well.. and nobody messes with Pinkie), Rarity as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (fabulous cityscapes and public housing anyone?) Big Mac for Secretary of Agriculture and Luna for VP, which she pretty much already is. I tried to fit Trixe in there, but I am at a loss on that one.

    tl;dr: More jobs means all of the above and honesty APPLE HORSE 2016!

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    Luna as President with Vinyl as Director of a National Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

  • Jacob - 10 years ago

    I really, really want to vote for Rarity, but I can't. The job situation in the USA is too bad at the moment for anything else. Free College sounds all well and good, but the truth of the matter is that, college or no, someone has to do the blue-collar jobs. And I'd much rather have an army capable of supporting me if I sign up than have that budget slung off towards green energy.

    And Celestia... good god that just made me laugh. Sorry Sunbutt your plan sucks.

  • Nym - 10 years ago

    There's only one real answer, here. Smart, kind, humble. Patient, aproachable. Aristocratic, but not a snob. Experienced at dealing with the egos of the wealthy.

    Fancy Pants for president!

  • patzer - 10 years ago

    Fluttershy - "reneweable energy".

    Subtle pun. I like it.

  • SweetSpark - 10 years ago

    You know the reason Twilight is winning? Luna isn't specifically on the poll.

  • Mikideez - 10 years ago

    I voted applejack because she can make more jobs for aussies after the issues that happened with ford

  • UrbanMysticDee - 10 years ago

    AJ, because poverty is one of the biggest problems and it can be solved through protectionism and other policies related to job growth.

  • pepperpunk - 10 years ago

    Definitely Fluttershy... I feel bad about having to contribute any of my tax money to the military, but the choice isn't mine to make, I either pay taxes or go to prison so in many ways the military is the use of force funded by the governments own use of force against their own citizens if any of them refuse to pay.. wouldn't be so bad if the defence budget was actually used for defence rather than tearing up whichever middle eastern country is next on the list.

  • Shutterfly - 10 years ago

    Haha! Yes!

    Free college & education, just what we need for the government because everyone knows that paying the government money for education is a fucking dud.

    GO TWILIGHT!!!! :D

  • akumamattata - 10 years ago

    i cant actually decide, where i live infrastructure could use a beefing up, and while education does sound nice its unpractical, jobs would be a huge step but i see that as more of a short term, and while green energy could create more jobs in the long term as well as research positions in short term, my country already does not have a comparatively large war budget and while we dont have many enemies i still would not like to see what would happen to a large undefended country with a fair amount of resources, and few people to form an impromptu militia... so i guess applejack it is since that is the only one that could effectively lead off into the others

  • Michaelshy Perez - 10 years ago

    Mayor reason? That is her darn cutie mark but her name won't have the same great ring to it. President Mare.

  • Daggaroth - 10 years ago

    I would vote for Luna, for a renewed space program and a refined prison system. Luna is the onlypony to of left the sphere which houses the wide wide land of equestria and has significant experience with a cruel system of being locked away and isolated instead of rehabilitated. I would hypothesize that she would be able to renew the space program, opening up exploration and colonization of worlds other than our own. While that was happening, she would turn her attention to the ground and redesign the prison system to provide for more effective ways to rehabilitate a criminal rather than locking them up with other criminals, this will in turn lead to a more effective, and productive society where everypony can prosper. I say President Luna will make an excellent president!

  • X - 10 years ago

    I don't think Fluttershy would be too invested in green energy. Have you seen how many birds die in those giant fans? The figures would give her a heart attack, and she'd start axing them. If you convinced her of the theoretical number of birds saved reducing carbon emissions will result in, she'd start campaigns to plug up volcanoes instead.

  • HalflingPony - 10 years ago

    @Spartanlord - RD's a great pony to have on your side in a fight, but do you really want to put her in charge of any diplomatic talks or, even worse, put a big red "Nuke 'em all" button somewhere she can press it? She's not exactly one to think through all the consequences of an action before taking it. She kicked a grumpy dragon in the snout- do you really want her handling diplomatic relations with North Korea?

  • Rush2201 - 10 years ago

    I went with Trixie. If one pony has all the power something might actually get done. It might be horrible, but at least it's better than taking one step forward and one step back over and over. And if she's too bad everypony revolts and we try something else.

  • Furnie - 10 years ago

    Definitely Apple Jack: more jobs = more money = secure market = funds for education = good. Twilight would create inflation and too much competition among educated and academic fields; also, the government has to pay the teachers of those colleges somehow, so expect a massive increase in taxes for civilians. Not to be rude, but I imagine those who voted for Fluttershy are either extreme on the liberal side or simply love Fluttershy (She's my waifu, but I won't let that blind me from what matters), removing the defense and war budget would put the entire country at risk of immediate take-over by another faction/dictator, and would prevent us from being able to support our allies for hostiles. Green energy is not as important as a stable market, in the short term. Legalizing all marriage will come soon enough, heck, you'll be able to marry your dog pretty soon I bet! Pinkie's stance is an obvious shout-out to the conflict of present-day America, but is this an economic crisis or a situation so serious that we need to elect a president specifically for this reason? Rarity's and Celestia's stances are simply for the lols. Trixie is for Seth and all Sethians... RainbowDash, such broad statements as "capitalism and competition." Of course we all know that capitalism and competition at its worst is a bad thing, but don't be so categorical to the point that it sounds like an insult from a socialist... In the end, I would make AppleJack President and Twilight Vice President.

  • Ebonysdagger - 10 years ago

    Really, with that boon who could pick anyone other than Twilight. I've been to college twice already and going through it another time or a dozen sounds good to me. Twilight for president.

  • Don - 10 years ago

    Free stuff??? Won't have much of a Country after you take from the workers, Dashies got it right.

    Some ponies will never learn,,Everything has a cost, Some times it's your liberty.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Actually, fuck that. Big Mac should be president, and the workers will own the means of production and distribution! He's red for a reason!

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Fluttershy. After she axes the war budget, there will be plenty of money for free public universities etc.

  • spartanninjadragon - 10 years ago

    Muffin Queen for president!

  • dee3kia1Ciefahk4 - 10 years ago

    What about Luna?

  • Serbian_Swag - 10 years ago

    I believe the choice depends on what country you live in. I'm in the US so I go with free education since I'm about to enter college and that $h!t can be expensive.

  • Juliette - 10 years ago

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders:
    Cutie Mark discovery program for young fillies and colts
    and bully prevnetion for school boards. :P

  • blazingwhirlwind - 10 years ago

    Well let’s see here. Free education would be nice and all, but if everyone majors in areas of computer graphic design or some liberal art, and not any of the sciences, engineering, or business areas, we would have no growth or anyone to design and improve current technology.

    As for getting rid of the defense budget, someone would then walk in and take over and you would be under a Dictatorship with no choice of your own.

    For getting jobs home and creating more jobs, my above statement on free college should be considered. This would be done best with competition in a free marketplace. (i.e. Capitalism)

    Sorry to those of you who think America sucks, but why have so many in the past and currently want to come here, the opportunity to try to succeed in your own way. You can try, fail, try again, and fail again as often as you want, and no one is going to stop you. The old adage of “The streets are paved with gold,” isn’t about money being here, it’s about that opportunity to try to make yourself wealthy on you own and to try as many times as you wish. Hopefully you’ll learn from your mistakes and improve each time. But in reality this is what the American Dream is all about: Opportunity to do it yourself. In most other countries in this world you are stuck with what “caste” you are born into. Very rarely do you move up, but you can easily move down.

    So yes, I picked Rainbow Dash, but by the way the characters are in the show, I would see Applejack’s personality and ideals a lot closer to Competition and Capitalism than Rainbow Dash.

  • Commander413 - 10 years ago

    Even voting for Fluttershy, I'd say that for my country the best woul be Twilight. I live in Brazil.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    Wat? I picked the winning candidate? Bring out the George Washington cake and dancers, We Did It! 8^D Yes Twilight Sparkle for Prez, free ed for all. A bit of socialism and smarts for everyone and there's more hope for all the other candidates platforms to come to fruition. Minus the dictatorship and draconian international trade policy. ^_^

  • bob - 10 years ago

    @Spartanlord because merica a shit

  • Maria - 10 years ago

    Education is already 'free' where I live, our country contribute the money to students for that so I don't need to pay myself. There's no war here so I don't know it. The others sounds meh. So the most tempting one is bringing work home so Applejack it is then.

  • 1933 german dictator - 10 years ago


    But I'd vote for Flutters if she was real

  • SomeGuyBeingTooSerious - 10 years ago

    If you're looking at this seriously...Applejack, for sure. Free Education for all sounds nice until you realize the amount of competition it would bring to the jobs market, making it unfeasible. And the problems created by Flutters cutting the whole defense budget is obvious. Meanwhile, AJ's plan would add more jobs, which would result in more people receiving more money and, in turn, would make pursuing an education feasible for more people.

  • Spartanlord - 10 years ago

    Not to flame - if you attempt to flame, consider yourself an asshole - but why is RD rating so low?

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