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What do you think of this terrifying story?

Total Votes: 3,824

  • Rownin - 6 years ago

    Human shit...I call it.

  • tj - 6 years ago

    It's more then likely fake, but if it is real, I think the best course of action would be for Nathan to write a long and heartfelt post to his dead girlfriend Tell her first off how much he loves her and misses her, and tell her she died in an accident and go into details. Then give her permission to go off into the light and explain why she probably should go.

  • Jorge - 6 years ago

    Ghost are real there not fake

  • reva - 6 years ago


    Adding to my previous message, My email address is

    warm regards

  • reva - 6 years ago


    I need to get in touch with Nathan very urgently. Could you help me?

    Nathan needs very urgent help before it is too late

    Warm regards

  • akhila - 7 years ago

    It is absolutely a fake one.This story doesn't scare me at all.The messages that send in the name of Emily is not a ghost ,it maybe some prankster or someone had hacked the account .The ghosts are not real.These are our imaginations.

  • Me - 8 years ago

    Reddit is notorious for mad-up scary stories. There is even a section of reddit where people are forbbidden by mods to de-bunk any of the stories, so unless I know for sure which part of reddit this came from, I'm gonna take it with a grain of salty-salty-salt.

  • Lou - 8 years ago

    This is fake. There was a drama on the telly about a year ago and it was exactly the same story line. Poor bloke lost his girlfriend in a tragic accident and it must give him something psychologically , but it's him who's doing it.

  • Julia - 8 years ago

    It's obvious it's someone who knew her and what happened to her, and it isn't the first story told on the net about 'net ghosts' that end up being some sick minded individual who gets their kicks from disturbing grieving family members. Stop pushing this story as a ghost story - it is not, it is a very real person acting in this horrible manner. Ghost do not exist, it is the hope of those living that keeps such stories going, and it shouldn't be pushed as a reality, period.

  • CJ black - 8 years ago

    oh come on! this is obviously fake and incredibly easy to do. you don't need to be a 'hacker' to do any of this. I can't fathom anyone with half a brain would believe this.

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