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Will The Recent Flood Of Immigrants From Central America Be Deported as The Administration Claims?


  • John - 10 years ago

    The only deportations will be the "press release" variety- with the intent of drawing attention away from the deliberate destruction of this country through the government sponsored invasion. Impeachment is far too nice for the treasodent.

  • BrandonH - 10 years ago

    It seems like he's doing a decent job deporting illegals.

  • Jude - 10 years ago

    Have heard a CT woman on WTIC that is ever so sweet to want some of the illegal aliens here (as has been proposed). She said it would cost us nothing....... Guess she thinks big bro will pay for it. Who funds him ? Us ! Heck, we'll all be footing the bill to support all the illegals, lawyers, judges etc. all over the entire country !

  • jrt - 10 years ago

    fool me twice, I like that! Got Impeachment.... I want that bumper sticker ...yesterday

  • jrt - 10 years ago

    This is just one more way that BO is tearing DOWN America

  • julie thomas - 10 years ago

  • John - 10 years ago

    Cloward Piven Strategy ...

  • G.J. - 10 years ago

    It is said that 10% of the people will believe anything. What does it say about our present situation that our leadership does not even rate that high?

  • FoolMeTwice - 10 years ago

    All part of his Fun-Demented transformation..... got impeachment?

  • Bob Morris - 10 years ago

    I wish people would STOP voting for the man (or woman) & vote for the POLICY. In other words STOP SPLITTING their votes.

  • AnoniMOOSE - 10 years ago

    This was pre-planned! The 9/11 commission report highlighted strengthening the Northern boarder but never mentioned the Mexico boarder.

  • Comic Book Guy - 10 years ago

    Worst President Ever!

  • Jerry - 10 years ago

    I considered myself an independent voter until obama came along. It will be a cold day in h3ll before I vote democrat. This guy has made some scary comments in the past and it is looking like he will succeed in his evil agenda. When he speaks of income inequality he's not speaking of the inequality between Americans. He is speaking of the inequality between America and central Africa. We are going to see the worst of obama after the 2014 elections no matter how it turns out.

    Obama: "Americans can't keep their homes at 72deg all the time, eat what they want and drive around in SUV's. that's not leadership and that's not going to happen."

    Obama: "Why should Americans have so much compared to the rest of the world?"

  • Amos - 10 years ago

    This immigration disaster has one bright, shining moment for the Democrat Party and Democrat Politicians and all their enabling do-gooders. They will finally obtain their forever desire, aim and goal, namely, the diversification and integration of all neighborhoods, both urban and suburban. The only question the Democrat Party and the Democrat Politicians have not answered is, "Who is going to pay for all the health, school, utility, etc. services that will be consumed by these illegal aliens since they have no money to pay the taxes and other expenses of the housing they are being moved into? Well, we know the answer, don’t we?

  • Jason - 10 years ago

    Obama designed this to happen he wants to distribute wealth (our tax money) to poor illegals. We must demand congress stops this insanity!!

    This poll should have had option 3. No, we demand Obama be thrown in jail for not protecting our country from security threat of invading illegals!!!

  • Betty Liberty - 10 years ago

    Obama should be removed according to the 25th Amendment - as he's clearly insane.

  • Bnchy - 10 years ago

    Almost everything that comes out of Obama's and any other administration member's mouth is a lie

  • rosignol - 10 years ago

    The poll more options.

    1) Yes

    2) No

    3) No, and I'm mad as hell about it.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    Just heard a rumor that the Obama folks are going to fast track the adults to citizenship so they can be hired on as Border Security

  • Earl - 10 years ago

    I agree Frank. This administration is terrible. Time to vote out all the Dems--they have all been infected by

  • frank - 10 years ago

    Yesterday afternoon after work I watched several interviews with administration officials. Not one of them actually comitted themselves to the idea of deportation. If it does happen, they all said that every one of the "guests" would be given a hearing to determine their fate. How many thousands of lawyers do you suppose are now lining up for a chunk of that goverment expense? These so called children will be adults by the time the wheels of the Obama Administration even start to turn on this mess. Maybe this is how Obama creates jobs. Just think of how many people will be needed to care for these people. In my opinion, this guy should be impeached NOW. 2016 can't get here soon enough!

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