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Which ancient character would you read a life long biography on first?

Total Votes: 17,335

  • ShadowGentleman - 10 years ago

    Celestia is the great connector between all of these characters. We'd also get to know where Alicorns came from, whether Celestia and Luna have parents at all, and the Lunar/Celestial rift. Heck, we even get Cadence thrown in.

  • VilkyToles - 10 years ago

    Why Chrysalis is not 1st? Who don't want to know how Chrysalis know about the Canterlot Weeding and the plan for dominating Equestria?

  • Hat - 10 years ago

    Come on Luna, you can do it!

  • Dante Wynter - 10 years ago

    I say Sombra - as we know so little about him.

  • Swash - 10 years ago

    Tirek is LAST!? That's a shocker.

    Anyway, Sombra was created specifically to be a generic one-off villain - no personality, flimsy backstory. But he IS a part of Equestrian history now, and that status as such does not reflect the amount of information we have on him.

    And some of that information could have some very interesting links and discrepancies with the comics!

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    Luna, because how much do we really know? Besides, you'd get a good bit of Celestia too. Second choice would be Chrysalis. That could be really interesting.

  • kitsy - 10 years ago

    Ok folks, remember, the average biography for a person between 60 and 100 years old is... about 300 pages.

    Now Sombra, Luna, and Discord were locked away for 1000 or so years... So their Bio's would be... oh... 10 books shorter or more.

    Celistia between her Dimension hopping, day to day life, etc... i'm sorry, there are libraries that are to small to hold the number of books that would make up her biography... I wouldn't have the attention span... Or life expectancy to read the complete 26 book set of her biography.

  • Moonlit Brush - 10 years ago

    Chrysalis is at least old enough to remember the mines under Canterlot, and since her journeys have led her to believe Equestria is the place most filled with love, odds are this is one of her later discoveries. If other places were worse then she'd have turned back sooner, in conclusion she's probably as long lived as the two sisters.

  • Danielxgl - 10 years ago


  • silvadel - 10 years ago

    Thing is, who wrote the biography, and how much of it is correct? I would figure that a biography of Celestia would be as whitewashed as a freshly painted fence.

    Depending on the author of the Discord biography, it could range from truly nasty to just wrong. I certainly couldn't see Discord writing a faithful autobiography even if these were ABs.

    I was really torn between Chrysalis and Luna. Chrysalis's bio would obviously have to have been written by a changeling as nobody else would really KNOW much about her. This would give you some unique viewpoints even if it was highly skewed/biased. Luna's would be a lot less likely to be whitewashed. Such a biography would have been written over 1,000 years ago so you would be closer to those events than you would be with one written about Celestia. Plus I would figure you would get a much less biased depiction of events from a bio focusing on Luna than Celestia.


    Celestia's bio would only be interesting if it were written with 100% truth, completely unvarnished, as an autobiography, and only for you (as it would have a lot of things she would not want to get out).

  • thesecret1 - 10 years ago

    Sombra, the autobiography:
    I've always like crystals. And slaves. So, naturally, I took the obvious path and made some crystal slaves! I tried experimenting with slave crystals, but that avenue of research bore no fruit, unfortunately.

  • HeimoBauss - 10 years ago

    To be honest, this should be a multi-choice too.
    Sombra because there's pretty much no info about him.
    Discord because well it's Discord and it would include a ton of interesting stuff.
    Celestia because that too would include a ton of interesting information.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    Wasn't she banished IN the moon? Not ON the moon. There's a difference, people!

  • WisdomThumbs - 10 years ago

    King Sombra. But only because all the other characters either don't warrant biographies, or because their pasts are better off kept mysterious. And also because we don't know nearly enough about Equestria when Celestia and Luna were young.

    King Sombra, of all the characters in the poll, is also the one most needing of backstory. I'm not talking about backstory for his good twin in the alternate universe.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Stories about OP characters are boring. The only characters that aren't OP are Sombra and Chrysalis. I don't think there is any reason to think Chysalis has an interesting back-story. If changelings are just a species, which seems to be the case, then A Canterlot Wedding probably is the majority of her story. With Sombra you have to ask how an ordinary unicorn became a dark lord. That's an interesting story.

  • Dirk Bechtold - 10 years ago

    Normally I am on Lunas side, but since she's been banished on the moon for 1000 years it's clearly Celestia. A few things of both of them are told in the two sisters, but there is still a lot to learn about them. I really hope there will be another book with the erst of the story. Something like the Silmarillion or Unfinished Tales from Equestria.

  • SpikeyWikey - 10 years ago

    A poll with Luna, and people HAVEN'T voted her into a runaway first place? Sing hallelujah.

  • Ender1200 - 10 years ago

    No starswirld? for shame...

  • some guy - 10 years ago

    I actually went with Chyrssi on this. Discord would be fun at first, but I can't think of it as having any real substance. Luna sat on the moon for 1000 years. Celestia's would be really cool too, but Chrysalis brings in a whole new race. Not only do we get a whole new sociological system, but we could also see many other places. She says that Equestria has the most love out of everywhere she's looked, so we also get wherever else she's looked. Her biography alone could expand the world beyond what we imagined they might.

  • Rush2201 - 10 years ago

    I went with Celestia. Luna was banished, Discord was stoned, Sombra vanished, Tirek was imprisoned, and I don't know if Chrysalis is nearly as old as Celestia. Celly has always been involved in everything though, so her biography would have tons of interesting stuff in it.

  • Kevin - 10 years ago

    Celestia is best choice because all these characters, save for perhaps Chrysalis, Celestia ran into at some point in her lifetime. That means we'll be reading about all these characters, plus more (Sunset Shimmer, Starswirl the Bearded, etc). There definitely has to be some interesting characters we haven't heard about in that 1000 year period between Nightmare Moon's banishment and the first episode of FIM. I would also like to know if Celestia was an alicorn by birth or obtained the status somehow, in depth battles/conflicts with the villains, and her relationship with Luna of course. :)

  • DubCrush - 10 years ago

    I almost went with Discord, but we still need Tia and Luna backstory! namely Celestia.

  • Jake - 10 years ago

    "Ancient"? How old IS Queen Chrysalis?

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