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Should police be able to arrest pregnant drug users?

Total Votes: 46

  • KJ Dolla - 11 years ago

    This one was a hard vote, but I voted no. I would rather the mom's get help from the doctor/hospital than be afraid to and do something damaging to themselves or their kids.

  • Olivia - 11 years ago

    Arresting moms who come to give birth will result in higher maternal and infant mortality rates. Moms will stop coming to doctors for birth and prenatal care if they fear being arrested. That's going to endanger both mom and baby. It might even be that a baby would be totally unknown to the system in these cases, increasing the likelihood that any instance of abuse would go unreported once the baby is born, as well.

    We don't need to jail people for every bad thing. Jail isn't helpful in many instances.

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