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If you could, how would you vote in the U.S. election this November? (Poll Closed)


  • SENIOR WOMAN - 16 years ago


  • Ice Ko - 16 years ago

    Martha Griffith, I'd like to think you're speaking tongue-in-cheek in some of your 'racier' passages. I surely would. Opposition to Obama has nothing to do with his being of mixed race, despite Hillary's and Bill's and Obama's own best efforts to occasionally make it so. His Sesame Street platitudes and glib and vacuous trumpeting of jaded 'liberal' myths and fantasies (if you don't know what I'm talking about then you haven't been listening to his 'speeches') are the issue. They're what's in danger of winning over optimistic, idealistic and inexperienced minds in enough numbers to make him an all too possible shoo-in in November (although most recent US poll results indicate that more and more Americans are seeing through his gossamer blather), and he must me met and challenged on those grounds.

  • Martha Griffith - 16 years ago

    Heaven forbid- should Obama get into power! He advocates change- of what- for whom? How! Not enough substance-too much ego- that doesn't work or do anything for the people! Too young to understand hard politics- would be a disaster for the white house. He thinks u could end the Iraq for in a flash-overnite- help all the poor- everyone equal-his black followers will be in for a rude awakening- if he gets in-one doesn't know what's in the coffers till in power- so the spending has to be accordingly. He reminds me-of our socialist priemer we had for awhile- Glen Clark- EVRYTHING can be had that you wish for- if only you believe in me!!!! Obama doesn't know the economy- or how to deal with it- money doesn't grow on trees! At the rate he's going with his rehtoric- HELP!!!!!-anyone voteing for him- will soon see the lite- perhaps could even lead to utter chaos- as the blacks think he can do all-and alot of them have no understanding of what it's all about. Just think of it this way- how would you like a white house full of black people( would have to let the whites go) hire his own-then too (no offence-) but do you really want to look at a black first lady all the time!Also----- they could be looking for revenge- to turn the tables-payback time-think!!!!!
    Then there is this- nothing is mentined about the new frontier-space- what would he do for that? We must make progress-venture into the unknown- need more space eventually-after all Columbus discovered this-space- else we wouldn't be here!!! enough. Thanks. M G.

  • Anne Heyes - 16 years ago

    Oh dear - people don't get it! Obama is America's Trudeau. Further than that, Obama changes his tune at every corner. He goes to Europe and addresses the populace there as if he were already President.

    If anyone has read Atlas Shrugged by that visionary Ayn Rand, you will know we are there and there is no hope. Glad I am at the end of my life. Just wait until america loses its life, liberty and pursuit of happiness under this misguided fellow should he become President.

    Someone tell ayesha that Mrs. Clinton stepped down so that Obama could carry the torch for the Democrats

  • Ice Ko - 16 years ago

    In the past several months, Obama has unfortunately shown himself time and again to be a posturing, empty vessel. From his 'pastor disaster' episode wherein he initially said he could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than he could his own white grandmother (before reality intervened with enough force to cause even his narcissistic and naive judgement to recognize that his old mentor's extremist views had indeed to be disowned, even if it had taken him 20-odd years recognize it), to his ongoing perverse insistence on being wrong on the need for and eventual success of "the surge", while offering little else but appeasement and foolish withdrawal deadlines in Iraq, Obama has shown that there are just too many issues he just doesn't come close or quickly enough to getting. McCain may be pretty thin gruel, but Obama would be a catastrophe for governance with minimum good sense and wisdom.

    It's perhaps not so surprising that so many Canadians, what with their nanny-state proclivities and pollyanna view of themselves and the world, seem inclined to fall so easily in thrall of the likes of an Obama.

  • Brad R - 16 years ago

    Anyone else think Obama's campaign of change is a little naive? Let us not forget all of the backdoor dealings and corruption that help get things done in Washington... While Obama would ordinarily be my choice, is he 'connected' enough to actually get anything done? Clinton and McCain would definitely have the ability to get more done in less time I think.

  • Norm MacDermid - 16 years ago

    I believe McCain is not much improvement over Bush, who is without doubt the worst Pres. they ever had. If Obama gets proper advice from his more knowlegable and more experienced staff he might just be able to pull the USA
    out of the hole Bush has dug.

  • Jane - 16 years ago

    I am an American living in Canada and I will be voting in this election. My vote will be for John McCain. After living thirty-seven years in Canada I remain
    humoured at the interest Canadians take in American elections. I do not see the same interest in their own.

  • Ryan F - 16 years ago

    The only people I'd consider voting for aren't even on that list, those people being Ron Paul or Bob Barr, two people who actually remember what the Constitution is, and actually are defending it rather than the vast majority of politicians down in the US.

  • Bernard (Bill) Duncan - 16 years ago

    Barack Obama looks like a shinning light in an otherwise dark country. The Americans need someone like him to pull them out of the darkness. Over the last 8 years with Bush in office they have lost all creditability with the rest of the world. How could Americans let this happen? I think the American people are the greatest people until you come to their Foreign policy. We need someone like Barack to carry the flag in Canada.What we have now is not very good!!!

  • De Ole Guy - 16 years ago

    Both parties are too captured by the political machine. Nader has been around for a few shots. His work has qualified him to at least tackle the local American problem. He would be positive in his approach, in any case.

  • ayesha - 16 years ago

    Wow, I thought I was moderately following up on the presidential elections but I do not recall the name Ralph Nader, not recently anyway...

    Also, what happened to Mrs. Clinton? Maybe she wasn't included in this poll on purpose? :) I'd like to think that but I'm going to go read up on this.

  • JOHN - 16 years ago

    He's another JFK a man of vision!! Which is something the USA needs!!!

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