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Have you ever had to give up something to pay for your pet's care?

Total Votes: 427

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    Have a 12 year old Dachshund that, in the first 8 years of his life I spent over $20,000.00 on him for back operations. Since then, only about another $3-5000.00 for various items, including a minor liver problem which my vet and I determined was caused by Waggin' Train Chicken Jerky. Needless to say, that is no longer on his treat list. Would do it all again tho', he is still active and is always with me. Best Xmas present I ever got (from big brother).

  • TulsaKim - 10 years ago

    My kitties who are all rescues are my kids, I owe them my life because if it wasn't for them I would of left this crappy world a long time ago. People with two legged kids or who are not cat lovers don't understand but in my case they have been my rescuers. I spread the word about the local low cost spay/neuter clinics available. I also tell everybody about my kitty yard I built, dog run with wire on top, so my kitties can go out and still be safe otherwise they would be indoor only as they have always been and been perfectly happy although they do now enjoy going in and out without being in danger and all it took was fence posts, wire, staples and a little concrete, cheap. I spent thousands on Meesh, one of my male kitties who was the definition of LOVE, he helped me raise foster kittens for local rescue organizations even though he was an adult un neuter male before I adopted him. He raised four litters and became known as "Momma" Meesh. The vets could never figure out what was wrong so after thousands he passed away and the cross I wore 24 7 came off that day. I live on social security disability so thousands was hard but I would do it again if there was a chance of curing him. The lose of Meesh was horrible but there are always kitties that I need and they need me.

  • Joann - 10 years ago

    Spent every cent to save my cats life, came back stronger.
    Would do it again in a heartbeat. Love my animals

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