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Did the govt do the right thing by granting residential visa to Taslima Nasreen?

Total Votes: 3,569

  • A common man of india - 10 years ago

    who is this idiots voting for 'NO'

  • Rameshwar Singh - 10 years ago

    Nasreena's life was threatened by Bangladeshi Islamists who are also killing Hindus there. She fled to Kolkata for safety, but she was hounded out from there by Muslim extremists and leftists She stood for women rights which are nonexistent under Islamic tenets. Fair and democratic-minded people of the world applaud the Indian government's decision to grant residential visa to the learned and bold lady Taslima Nazreen in the face of opposition from pseudo-seculars in India.

  • Jyotindra Prasad verma - 10 years ago

    Why she needs resident status in India ?is she going to contribute o Indian society , or in business or any she has any expertise in any of the professional field .?if she is holding Bangala desh Passport. . she can visit and go back .Indian people will give all the respect as a writer

  • Bharat - 10 years ago

    Again from voting results % we can see that 80% of Hindus voted for her extension or PR and 20% minorities voted against her.

  • msg - 10 years ago

    It is political decision, leave it as it is, do not need intellectual or emotional judgments.

  • Jyotindra Prasad verma - 10 years ago

    Why she needs resident status in India ?is she going to contribute o Indian society , or in business or any she has any expertise in any of the professional field .?if she is holding Bangala desh Passport. . she can visit and go back .Indian people will give all the respect as a writer

  • Biplab Sen - 10 years ago

    Rightly said.."Acchhe Din Aa Gaye". Good news to all the brave people who dare to say against any bad religion...

  • Sanjay Kumar - 10 years ago

    Why now after so many years. Let her have dialogue with govt in B'desh & settle issue once for all. B'desh is not an enemy to India.

  • A.K .Basu - 10 years ago

    Good decision and thanks to new government .

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